Chapter 10

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Link's POV

The Forest Temple is much larger then I expected it to be.  the room is circular, and the walls stretch upwards to around ten stories or more until they end at the branches that make a sort of cover at the top.  Vines and various plants cover the ground and lower regions of the walls; in the vines I can see are the leaves the Baba monsters usually hide in, not that great of a hiding place if I can spot them.  I walk forwards, concious of the puddles and mudy spots on the ground so that I dont get my clothes wet.  I try to avoid the Babas as much as I can, but I know I won't be able to avoid every single one.  I end up waking up a Baba, but with the experience I have from killing the other ones, I easily slice through it's stem and it falls to the ground lifeless, then disappearing into particles.  I hear a monkey cry out, and at the far corner of the room I see the monkey that stole my lantern in a wooden cage surrounded by beasts of some sort.

"Hey, isn't that the monkey that took your lantern and led us through the fog?" Asks Midna.  I look over to my right nad see that she's come out of my shadow and is floating next to me. "I think it wants our help."

"I think so," I nod.  I look back to the cage and see that the beasts still haven't noticed me.

"You should go help her before they end up eating her!" Yells Midna.  She dissappears back into my shadow.

I grip my sword and lift my shield to protect me and run to the monkey to save it.  The beasts turn around and I notice they are like the blue one I slayed outside the Bird's shop.  The one on the left runs towards me and I stab him in the chest, making him fall to the ground.  The second one comes at me, swinging his club.  I dodge the swing and use my shield to throw him off guard, giving me good access to his abdomen.  I plunge my sword into the open area, and watch as he too falls lifeless to the ground.  I walk over to the cage and let out the monkey by slicing through the ropes in the back, making the thin wooden logs fall unevenly.  The monkey starts jumping and clapping.

Midna comes out of my shadow. "Well it looks happy to see you," she says, "But who wouldn't be if it meant they were about to die just a minute ago."

I roll my eyes at her.  The monkey jumps up the stairs and stops right before the door. "What do you think it wants?" I ask.

"For you to open that door. Why else would it be standing there?" Midna's the one who rolls her eyes at me this time, or should I say 'eye' as the other one is covered by her large grey helmet.

I walk up to the monkey, and when I reach it, it climbs the vines on the wall.  I follow it, climbing the vines and reaching a sort of Balcony looking over the previous area.  There is a large, dark metal treasure chest standing before the door, that is towering over me.  I open up the chest and find a map, rolled up and put into a red, velvet cylinder.  I take it out of the cylinder, and un-roll it, revealing a page the length and width of the chest.  Its old, as the paper is a beige-brown, with rips and tears around the corners.  In the center, moving outward is the map of the place I'm in.

"The Forest Temple," I read from the top of the page.  I look closer and see that there are other rooms other than this one.

"You should go explore further into the temple," says Midna.  The monkey claps it's hands, and moves closer to the door.  I walk up and with all my force, push the door for it to roll over into the wall.  Dirt and bugs fall from the opening, but I ignore them and walk into the next room.  The next area is much larger, probably around twice the size of the previous room.  The ceiling is higher, and the branches are more scarce, letting white light through into the room.  The ground is muddy, covered in random patches of grass around the walls and wooden paths leading up to elevated ground in the middle.  I look towards the elevated area and see the monkey standing at the edge of the wooden bridge, waving it's hands at me.

Midna shows up beside me, floating in a calm state, with her legs and arms crossed. "This is the main room in the temple," she says.  I take out my map and see that the area I am in is now glowing yellow.  "A spell has been cast on the map to show every region you enter, pretty cool, huh?"

"Yeah it is, but I still have no idea of where to go," I state.  The monkey starts clapping and doing flips, probably to get my attention.

"You may not, but I'm pretty sure the monkey's do.  They live here."  She fades into a shadow, which moves and then turns into my shadow.  Putting the map back into my satchel I walk up the wooden bridge to reach the monkey.  The wood isn't sturdy, as I can feel it moving underneath me, and I can see cracks in the sides where the thin logs are tied with thick rope; I can see moss on the rotted regions of the wood.  As I reach the top, the monkey starts to walk forward to a platform in the centre of the room, surrounded by four torches that are unlit.  I take out my lantern and light it, going forward and lighting each one; then nothing.  After a few seconds the ground starts to rumble and a big platform of wood starts emerging from the ground upwards.  It stops just at the right height for me to climb it to get to another area. 

I climb up, pushing my body over the top and walk towards the door.  The monkey starts clapping again, but his time moves away from the door and jumps to the side of the balcony, circling around a treasure chest.  I walk over and try to open the treasure chest, but it doesn't budge.  I stand up and kick the lock, trying to loosen it, but nothing happens.  I look around me and see a rock near by.  Picking it up, I throw it at the lock.  The rusty lock falls, breaking into two.  Releived, I open the chest, revealing a large, white boomerang with a gold tip, and green centre.  The wind around me picks up, and the boomerang lifts up out of my grip, spinning with the wind.

"You are  . . . the chosen hero," whispers the boomerang.  I stand there slightly confused, the wind still steadily flowing around me. "Take this weapon . . . and defeat the monster terrorizing the Forest Temple."

The wind stops, and the boomerang falls onto the ground.  Everything is still. "Well that was weird," I say to myself.  Not much longer, Midna hops into the air beside me.

"Well, you can't just keep standing here," she starts. "Just like the boomerang, or the wind, or whatever it was said, you have to defeat the monster," says Midna. "It's the only way for you to restore Faron Woods completely."

As soon as Midna fades back into my shadow, I feel a rumble beneath my feet.  The wall behind me explodes, knocking me off my feet and off the balcony, falling fifteen feet to the ground.  I open my eyes, still lying on the ground, and see a humungous creature towering over me.


Hello followers.

I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while, midterms were happening and I had to study for tests and do essays and BLEH.

But I'm happy that this chapter if finally uploaded and I'll be uploading again soon enough hopefully :)

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