Chapter 3

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"Harry I don't want you. You just want me for sex, I don't want that yet. I need time. You just don't want to wait." I said through tears.

"I want you for more than that." Harry started.

"I don't want to be with you. I broke up with you and we aren't getting back together." Niall looked at Harry who towered over him a little.

"Get out." Niall demanded.

"I'm sorry Sydney." Harry said walking out the door. Niall shut it and walked over to the couch. He sat down and wrapped me in his arms.

"Shhh, don't cry love, I'm here it's ok now." Niall cooed. I looked up at Niall. My eyes all cloudy from crying.

"We need to find Harry someone." I finally said.

"Rachael?" Niall asked.

"Yes! He called her cute. Maybe she will get me off his mind."

"It could work. Ill talk to Harry tomorrow and tell him that he should date her. I will convince him so don't worry."

I laughed. "Ok I won't worry one bit."

"Now why don't I take your mind off of Harry." Niall started rubbing my back and it felt good. "Does that feel nice?" He asked whispering in my ear. His lips against my skin.

"Very nice." I sighed.

"Why don't we go to the bed you can lay down and I can massage you easier?" I nodded. He picked me up bridal style and walked me into the dark bedroom.

Niall P. O. V

I set her down gently on the bed. She lay still watching my every movement. I ripped my shirt off and threw it to the ground. I walked over to the bed and climbed on top of her. She laid back on the bed. I slowly unbuttoned her shirt. Throwing it to the floor when I finished. In the next minute we were both undressed and under the covers.

"You don't know how badly I've wanted this." I said wrapping my arms around her waist. Her bare body so fragile under my fingertips. I kissed her lips, which lead to making out. My tongue ended up sliding on her teeth in the process. Then she did the same. She ran a hand through my hair and looked into my eyes. There was a small amount of light from the widows but from what we had I could see her. I soon took control of her.

Sydney P. O. V

I let Niall do everything. I was scared but knew he wouldn't intentionally hurt me. Soon we were swallowing each others moans and screams. We couldn't let anyone know, only the man who stood and watched it all happen.

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