Chapter 15

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Harry P. O. V.

Crap! I was going to delete it. It sent it, and now I can't take it back. Rachael's going to hate me.

Rachael P. O. V.

I woke up with my iPod next to me in bed and my headphones wrapped around me.

"Rachael," my mom scolded. "Stop staying up late reading,"

Well I never read at night, I just text, but technically that is reading, but not to her.

I grunted and got out of bed. My mom left so I could change. I picked up my iPod and saw a text from Harry. I never get a text from him after I say goodbye. I only saw a little bit of the text on my lock screen.

'Hey babe. I don't know how to tell you" is all that showed up. I could tell that something wasn't right but I looked at the text anyway. I read it all, tears forming in my eyes. All those nights I stayed up telling him that he didn't need Sydney. All those nights we texted for hours.

Waisted. Down the drain. I can't take him back. This is way too much. My first boyfriend and he does that to me. I'm never going to fall in love again.

Sydney P. O. V.

"You are an idiot," I scream at Harry. Rachael forwarded me the message that Harry sent her.

"I didn't mean to send-" he started.

"But you typed it. You wrote the words. You know what she told me. She's done talking to us. Any of us. Thanks Harry. Thanks a lot. And you know what else she said. She said that shed rather go and commit suicide. She said she couldn't deal with what you did. Cheating she could have moved on from. But keeping her on the line if loving you and you hardly ever showed it. You know I liked her, and I know deep down, you did too." Harry stares at me.

"I...I'm sorry ok. If I could have erased the text before Lou scared me and I threw my phone, I would have. I was just upset ok? I feel horrible doing that to her. But she can't go kill herself. I'd feel even worse. And she has no reason to do that. I need to text her!"

"Don't Harry. You have done enough. Don't make it even worse."

"Shut up Sydney. You don't know what she means to me."

"Really? What she means to you? You just broke up with her. Oh my gosh."

Harry got up and left.

What she means to him. I can't believe he said that.

Harry P. O. V.

I took my phone swiftly out of my butt pocket. I clicked on iMessage and then clicked on Rachael's name.

'Babe,' I typed. 'Im so sorry. I didn't mean it. That sounds stupid and you're probably wondering how I didn't mean it. I just typed it. I didn't want to send it to you. Lou scared me and I threw my phone and it sent the text. I was going to erase it before I did anything. I was just letting my feelings go. Please don't hurt yourself. If you do. Ill quit one direction." I sent it. But the text wasn't opened. I hope she's not ignoring me. I hope she's just at school.

Niall P. O. V.

'Rachael please don't do anything you'll regret, did Harry text you?" I text Rach.

"Yes he did, I'm going to answer it when I get back from school. And Niall and I can't handle this. It hurts so badly. He could have made it better by just breaking up with me. But he had to say he loved another girl, while he was in a relationship with me. I can't take him back. I am doing the right thing right?" She text me back.

"Well I don't think that killing yourself is a good idea, but taking a break from him is a good idea."

"I know, I know. But I still like him. Oh Niall I'm going crazy. I still have feelings for a guy that hurt me. I'm so stupid."

"No you aren't. Harry has you wrapped around his finger. Doing whatever he tells you to do."

She sends a crying face. "😢 I might take him back. But in a little bit, I have to go to school. Sorry."

"Ok love. It's ok. Have fun at school."

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