Mia- The Emo Boy, has A Secret

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Two Weeks...later.

Message to ColdHeart_8.

Me: I got it! Stupid jerk face! It's the best I've got.

ColdHeart_8: I'd slap you but I'm not wasting my time on you like that.

Me: rude. And I love you're new nickname. Stupid jerk face.

ColdHeart_8: of course, you, would.

Me: So, stupid jerk face, what are you doing, right now?

ColdHeart_8: I don't think it's necessary, to say.

Me: Oh, c'mon! I'll come over to where you live and somehow someway force you to open up.

ColdHeart_8: Ugh, ew. I'll pass, I don't want to see you in person. I'd rather shot myself, doll.

Me: jerk! You know I'm not that bad.

ColdHeart_8: I beg to differ. You're boring, annoying, dull and unoriginal.

Me: you know, I'm used to you're insults. You're just mean to make yourself feel better. It's okay, I can help you.

ColdHeart_8: Why?

Me: Why, what?

ColdHeart_8: Why are you being nice to me? All I've done is insult you.

Me: I know but I secretly vowed to help you.

ColdHeart_8: Then you must not keep you're promises that much...

Me: Nonsense. I am going to help you.

ColdHeart_8: So, you want to help someone who has just insulted you and probably lowered your self esteem by a thousand? And could care 0% about you?

Me: Yes, well, if they are my friend. :)

ColdHeart_8: I'm sorry bit you're too stupid. And we aren't friends.

Me: Well, you can't see it now but we are friends. And if helping others makes me stupid then I want to be retarded forever.

ColdHeart_8: I gotta go, doll. Talk to you later.

Me: wait, don't go...

ColdHeart_8 is disconnected at the moment...

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