Miles- Friendly Conversation gone completely wrong

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(Call to Mia)

Mia: "Hey, you. Halloween is around the corner, it's literally two days from now."

Me: "I know, I've bugged me about it for days now."

Mia:"Well, I'm sorry. I can't help it, I love Halloween."

Me:" I can tell."

Mia: "Miles you haven't told me if you want to come to my prom. Or spend Halloween with me."

Me: "that's because I never wanted to spend anytime with you, Mia."

Mia: "Whatever, stupid jerk face. I'm going with Kassidy."

Me: "How cute. I don't care, really. But just out of curiousty what happened to your other lover boy that asked you before?"

Mia: "He...ah, got into an accident. He couldn't go to the prom anymore, so yeah."

Me: "Liar. But I get it, you're embarrassed that lover boy turned into stone."

Mia:" Can I kill you?"

Me: "Can I kill you?"

Mia:" No, I'm valid unlike you, jerk face."

Me: "Right, you are. Invalid."

"But anyway, I didn't call to have you talk about killing me or Halloween. I came to talk to about you moving. I figured you couldn't resist all this and you would want to know about me moving, since you're clearly obsessed."

Mia:"Miles? Are you serious, you are moving? Why? Wait, what, I don't like you Miles, I'm not obsessed with you. I hate you."

Me:"Ah, I'm leaving in a week so. I'm starting school soon, surprisingly. I'm going back to school, the hellhole if you may."

Mia:"Miles that's great you want to go back to school. I'm..really happy for you. By the way where you moving to anyway?"

Me: "I'm moving over to... Australia. I have some family over there, that can help support me whiles I'm starting school."

Mia:" Oh, ah. That's lovely."

Me: "Yeah, I guess."

Mia: "Well, send me a post card. With you're butt being whooped by a Kangaroo."

Me: "and make sure to send me a post card with you and stoned-victims."

Mia:"Shut up, jerk face. I'm not Medusa, you, you idiot."

Me: "Really? Idiot? C'mon, where are your stupid Bing comebacks? They at least had my attention."

Mia:" Shut up, Ignorant Idiot."

Me: "No, you won't do anything to me anyway. You too sweet and innocent for you're own good."

Mia: "Uh, whatever. For once let's just have a normal friendly conversation?"

Me:" You and me both know that's not possible."

Mia:" we can try, my dear."

Me:"One, don't call me dear. And two, what's the point in trying? We hate each other, there is no such thing as a friendly conversation. So let that friensly-conversation shit go."

Mia: "You haven't tried, deary."

Me:"I'm not doing this with you. Goodbye,"

Mia: "That's fine, I was busy with Kassidy anyway. So goodbye to you too sir-"

(Ended call by Miles)

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