Miles- Skinny Dipping

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     New Notification from MuffinLover_46. Sent two minutes ago.

MuffinLover_46: Have you ever been skinny dipping?

Me: yeah, why? Are you interested in seeing pictures? ;). Unfortunately for you doll, I didn't take any.

MuffinLover_46: Ew, I think I've lost my appetite as well as my sanity.

Me: then why ask, doll?

MuffinLover_46: just wondering. Kassidy had the idea we should all go skinny dipping.

Me: yeah, that sounds like a horrific idea with you included. But tell Kassidy, I'll take up her offer anyway. I won't restrain you from receiving an opportunity like this.

MuffinLover_46: You know your completely lame.

Me: Maybe but definitely not as lame as you, sweetheart.

MuffinLover_46: whatever. Well, it's almost a full week til you to Australia.

Me: Looks like someone's been keeping track.

MuffinLover_46: shut up.

Me: I was never technically talking.

MuffinLover_46: You know what I mean.

Me: I guess. And anyway, I yeah, I'll be off to Australia tomorrow morning actually.

MuffinLover_46: oh, that's nice. Hope you love Australia.

Me: I wish I do.

MuffinLover_46: What do you mean? Aren't you excited for Australia? A new life, school? Kangaroos kicking your ass?

Me: No, because I'll be leaving behind something when I go.

MuffinLover_46: And what could that be, Miles?

Me: I think you and me both know what it is exactly.

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