Mia- 20 questions

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Message to ColdHeart_8.

Me: I think we should get know each other a little more.
Wanna play a game?

ColdHeart_8: No, at least not with you.

Me: Awe, why not. It will be fun, I promise.

ColdHeart_8: With you nothing is fun.

Me: Meanie.

I don't care what you say, you're playing whether you want to or not.

ColdHeart_8: How the fuck are you going to force me to play?

Me: I have my ways, Miles. I do.

ColdHeart_8: okay, you're beginning to scare me.

Me: Good, I'm doing my job

ColdHeart_8: hey! That's my line. You can't take that. Get your own, doll.

Me: To bad. It's mine now. I'll give it back if you play? :p

ColdHeart_8: play, what?

Me: 20 questions

ColdHeart_8: 20 questions? You're making sleepy, Mia.

Me: what? It's a fun game, will you just stop whining and play with me?

ColdHeart_8: If I say no, will continue to be annoying?

Me: Yup :)

ColdHeart_8: fine, but I get to ask you questions, first. ;)

Me: ...fine. Give me a question, stupid jerk face.

ColdHeart_8: I'll start off with the basics. How old are?

Me: 17- how old are you?

ColdHeart_8: Excuse you, I'm the asking the questions here.

Me: Oh,right, sorry. :3

ColdHeart_8: Have you ever been arrested before?

Me: hell, no. I could never do a crime. And I'm kind of afraid of jail, anyway.

ColdHeart_8: Haha, you're too soft for you're own good, Mia.

Me: shut up and finish asking me, you're dumb questions.

ColdHeart_8: Alright, have you ever had you're first kiss?

Me: ...

ColdHeart_8: haha, seriously? You're 17 and you were never kissed before? You must be hideous.

Me: shut up, stupid jerk face. I'll have you know, that I have been kissed before!

ColdHeart_8: oh really? By who, exactly?

Me: By someone...

ColdHeart_8: obviously

Look, you don't have to lie to me about it. Even if I'm going to tease later on about it.

Me: I despise you...

ColdHeart_8: Guess what? Me too.

Okay, doll, are you ready for the next question?

Me: As ready as ever.

ColdHeart_8: okay...Have you ever been in love?

Me: Ah, yeah. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm head over heel for this guy. Even if I hate, to admit.

ColdHeart_8: Who is he?

Me: Why so concerned, Mr? Is someone jealous?

ColdHeart_; no...

Me: it's obvious that you are.

ColdHeart_8: I'm not...

Me: It's obvious, Miles. Don't worry, I was just teasing you. Haha, you probably hate me so much.

ColdHeart_8: forget what happened, just now.

Me: Fine :3 But you have to admit that you were pretty fooled.

ColdHeart_8: Can we forget this, already?

Me: stop being a sore loser, stupid jerk face.

ColdHeart_8: What's you're favorite color?

Me: I thought that was a stupid question?

ColdHeart_8: Just answer.

Me: Black

ColdHeart_8: What? I'd never expect you to like such a dark color, I expecting you to say pink or some shitty color like that.

Me: -_- what's that supposed to mean???

But, anyway, I do. Its not a bad color.

ColdHeart_8: Interesting...

Me: okay, you're asked enough questions, my turn...

ColdHeart_8: fine, but don't ask me retarted questions. (Nevermind, you're known to say something stupid)

Me: uhjjjj...yquuwuwu...you're making me frustrated!

ColdHeart_8: Good :)

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