Mia- So, You Really like Me?

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Message sent to ColdHeart_8, a minute ago.

Me: Miles? Would you choose to loose your old memories or loose all your new ones?

ColdHeart_8: again, is this you're plan to spend time with me by wasting it with irrelevant questions?

Me: psst, no. I just wanna know, what you think about the question.

ColdHeart_8: oh well in that case it's stupid.

Me: ugh, Miles. Stop being a jerk and just answer. Maybe you'll learn something new about yourself.

ColdHeart_8: I've already learned enough.

Me: ugh, is this how emo people are? So difficult, so jerky?

ColdHeart_8: nah, I just do it on purpose.

Me: whhhhhyyyyy!!!!!:|do you know how much it drives me nuts?

ColdHeart_8: I think you might have answered your own question.

Me: -_-

Anyway, stupid jerk face. Would you choose to loose you old memories or keep your new ones or vise-versa.

ColdHeart_8: And this is when I suddenly leave this conversation without an explanation, as to why.

Me: No, wait. Don't go!

ColdHeart_8: Desperate for me, aye.

Me: as if. Keep on dreaming, lover boy.

ColdHeart_8: lover boy? Since when did we change nicknames?

Me: since, you called me Medusa!

ColdHeart_8: but how is that a nickname? You're real name is clearly Medusa, because you are Medusa.

Me: I'm not Medusa! Take that back, you...you...stupid jerk face!

ColdHeart_8: ah, back to the olds nicknames, much better. Lover boy, clearly, doesn't suit me.

Me: ;) sure it doesn't.

ColdHeart_8: Well, see yah, little Medusa, I have to get back to work.

Me: wow, I'm honestly proud, you're working!

ColdHeart_8: Mia?

Me: yes, Miles.

ColdHeart_8: shut up -_-

Me: nope, and yeah, I popped the 'p'

ColdHeart_8: happy? Want a cookie? Perhaps stuck up you're throat, cause I would.

Me: haters, gonna hate. Potatoes gonna potate

ColdHeart_8: Okay, Now you're stupid Google cliche sayings and comebacks are making me regret meeting you.

Me: :), face it Miles. You love my Google comebacks and cliche sayings.

ColdHeart_8: Hell, no. There's the least things I like about you.

Me: but hey, you admit you like me.

ColdHeart_8: what? Of course not, I never said anything like that.

Me: Okay so you really like me... it's okay, lover boy. I'll keep you're secret.

ColdHeart_8: seriously, I don't. Maybe I like you as a peer but as something more meaningful, I'll pass.

Me: well, my heart just fell from my chest...

ColdHeart_8: Now, you know my pain.

Me: ...

Well, this just got deep real quick.

ColdHeart_8: Get used to it because it will happen a lot.
But anyway, see you later, if I even want to talk to you later, doll.

Me: ...ah, what's ever new with you. See you later, I guess, if you text me.

ColdHeart_8 has disconnected.

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