Mia- A change of plans

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(Call from Miles)

Miles:"Hey, doll."

Mia:"Sup, stupid jerk face. Seems like today is the big day, isn't it?

Miles:"I get the impression, you're gonna miss me. From the sarcasm in your voice."

Mia:" Sometimes you crack me up,"

Miles:" its not the end of the world, we still have social media, Skype."

Miles:" You still give a piece of me, even when I am gone."

Mia:" I'll be honest that last part sounded wrong."

Miles:" Maybe it was meant to sound wrong."

Mia:" And if it were. You better work on you pick up lines. They're lame like yourself."


Mia:" Anyways, I won't lie. I'll sort of miss you in a way."

Miles:" Awe, a sudden change of heart? No worries, you don't need to miss me. I'll be here."

Mia:" To bad we never got to meet in person. I was kind of hoping we would."

Miles:" I beg to differ on that, sweetheart."

Mia:"what nonsense are you talking about now?"

Miles:" Mia, just turn around."


Miles:"Mia, close your mouth you'll catch flies."

(End of call)

A/N: Cliffhanger!!!!!!!

By the way we are down to our finally chapters, *sad face* but it's going to be great!

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