Mia- My Internet Lover Boy

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A/N: Okay, just to clear put any confusions. This chapter is between, Kassidy and Mia. Sorry, if you were looking forward to Mia and Miles. (Ignore Errors)

(Call to Mia)

Kassidy: " Hey, boob. How's you internet lover boy doing?"

Mia:" Kas, he's not my internet boy lover."

Kassidy:" You've been lying to me since kindergarten. And up until now you're still no good at it."

Mia:"Well, if you really want to know, how he's doing. He's doing fabulous."

Kassidy:" Why so sarcastic?"

Mia:" He's moving away to Australia. He's starting school, there."

Kassidy:" Awe, you're scared you'll never get to see him in person, aren't you?"

Mia:" Psst. No, I don't care about him. And I'm not dying to see him in person."

Kassidy:"Do you smell smoke? Cuz, I'm certain, someone's pants is on fire."

Mia:"haha, you done now making fun of me?"

Kassidy:" Not yet. But if you want to see you're lover boy, just Skype him, idiot."

Mia:" I don't know, about that..."

Kassidy:" You're just shy, child. Trust me there's nothing to worry about...other then the fact that he might be ugly or huge geek or whatever."

Mia:"I'm not shy."

Kassidy:" Great, so Skype him, Mia. Don't let the Episodes of the My Internet Love die down."

Mia:" Really, you've been showcasing my supposed love life?

Kassidy:" It was all your mom's idea, she's really perky and funny when you get to know her.

Mia:"I don't know what's more disturbing. You hanging out with my mom or my love life as entertainment for you."

Kassidy:" what. I find it funny. But anyway, I gotta go, the asshats in my house are messing up my room."

Mia: "Asshats?"

"...Caleb and Dylan, never mind"

Kassidy: "Yup, they intruded my household. And I'm surprise you forgot who the asshats were a sec there. Especially, Dylan, you've had a crush on him since seventh grade."

Mia:"...I'm in denial of that."

Kassidy:"Sure, be in denial."

"Okay, I really have to go. Caleb is messing around in my drawer. Bye, boob."

Mia:" Bye, boob number two."

Kassidy:"Don't forget to Skype, your lover boy."

Mia: "whatever..."

(End of call)

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