Mia- Golden Opportunity

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Message to ColdHearts_8. Sent ten minutes ago.

Me: So, Miles...rival bestie...stupid jerk face, do you maybe wanna...

ColdHearts_8: I don't have all day for guessing games, what do you want from me?

Me: do you wanna, maybe Skype?

ColdHearts_8: And be turned to stone, I'll pass.

Me: Your right, bad idea. I would want to become blind either.

ColdHearts_8: let's be honest, you just want to Skype me to see this gorgeous face of mine.

Me: psst. Heavens no, I'm sure behind that screen in a stupid, obnoxious troll.

ColdHearts_8: keep denying, your urge to see my sexiness. But don't worry ,doll ,I won't reject you a golden opportunity.

ColdHearts_8: My Skype username is the same as my twitter one. 'ColdHearts_8'

Me: Hooray! I can't wait to go blind!

ColdHearts_8: I'd doubt that happening. At least to you anyways.

Me: -_-

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