Mia- You Sound Beautiful...

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New Notification. ColdHeart_8 sent a message, a minute ago.

ColdHeart_8: before I give my number, promise me. You won't fall for me.

Me: What is this, a walk to remember?

ColdHeart_8: Shut up and just promise.

Me: I-I

ColdHeart_8: don't make this hard, Mia.

Me: I...promise.

ColdHeart_8: good. Here,
(914- 608-7756)

MuffinLover_46: thanks, I really appreciate you trusting me...

ColdHeart_8: Just shut up and call it.


Miles-- "Hello? Mia, is that you?"


Miles----"Mia? I know you're there, I can hear you breathing,"

Me----"Ah, Hi,"



Miles---"Mia? You already said that. Stop being nervous or I'll just hang up,"

Me---"Ah, sorry. I'm just"

Miles---"Shocked? It's okay, do you want hang up?"

Me---"No, it's just. You sound beautiful- I mean..."

Miles---"Umm, thanks. I guess,"

Miles---" I'll talk to later."

(End of call.)

New Notification. ColdHeart_8, sent a message.

ColdHeart_8: You sound, beautiful too, doll.

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