Chapter two-Restraint

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I grab Sun by the collar, dragging him slowly out of the room, "Lord Death we need a moment, excuse us," I say, slightly too formal.
"What?" I whisper-yell at Sun, "You can't just kill people, Sun,"
"It's him, Adira, it's him, the boy at the temple, remember?" He says, anger echoing in his voice.
Realization hits me, as I slap myself silently in the face.

"Okay, that something for another time. Sun, I repeat, we can't just go killing people,"

He nods, but as we walk toward Lord Death and Kid again I swear I hear the daggers unhinging from a glare I've only seen twice. I hope Kid can defend himself.

"Before we begin, I would like to assess your power, begin,"

We stand awkwardly, confused by his words.

"Excuse me?" I manage.

"Show me what you are capable of! Go on! Hit me with your best shot," He says, closing his eyes. Sun walks up and punches him straight in the face.

"Sun! Moron!" I yell, slapping him in the back of his head. I quickly apologize to the boy, offering to get him ice.

"No, no, I'm fine," he squints at me for a moment, a few seconds later, he runs toward me full force, "If you are going to be working with me I need you to be perfectly symmetrical... your braid and bangs are only... on... one... side. Calamity!" He yells while fixing my hair to 'perfection'. He turns my normal style into a single french braid down my back, and as he reaches for my bangs, I grab his wrist.

"Leave it," I say, a voice so low I almost don't recognize.

"Oh please, I'm just going to move some over here-" he says, stopping suddenly as he sees the scar arching over my eye. "Oh," he mutters, placing my bangs where they once were.

"I.. I didn't know," he stutters, glancing away.

"Yeah, yeah, shut up okay," I say, fidgeting with my hair, making sure all evidence of my scar is covered by purple and black waves. "Forget it," I mutter turning away, "Lets go, okay?" Sun walks behind me, silently glaring at Kid. Footsteps slowly follow behind us, whispering echoing in the empty hall. Sun stops suddenly.

"The pyramid of Anubis, why did you destroy it?" Sun says, angry no doubt.

"Pardon?" Kid says.  He tilts his head innocently, his head suddenly nodded, "Oh, you mean that symmetrical heaven, yes unfortunately I destroyed it, purely on accident. Why does it matter to you?" he defends himself.

Sun tenses, his face rigid. I look closely at his stance as he charges toward Kid.

"Sun NO!" I yell as I realize what he plans to do.

"BRIGHT SHINE!" Sun yells, a blinding light exploding from his hands as he makes contact with the boy.

"Kid!" The two girls yell. I grab Sun and pin him to the wall.

"MORON! You major idiot what do you think your doing?!" I scream at him. He shrugs.

I drop him and run to Kids side, "I'm so sorry, can you see?" He nods.

"Lets just go," He sits up slowly and blinks, clearly almost binded.

"I am so sorry," I repeat.

Kid and his weapons, Liz and Patti, ride on a hovering skate board, and Sun on a small cloud far behind, me in his hand, my curved blade gleaming in the bitter light of dusk.
"Almost there, your okay?" Sun asks. I haven't transformed since the tear, it felt a bit odd at first, but now it feels natural.
"I'm fine, Sun, focus on the cloud! I don't know about you but I'd rather not fall to my death today," I reply with humor. He laughs a small, deep laugh.

An explosion interrupts my thoughts, red flames licking the roofs of the houses below.

"That's them! Come on!" Kid yells, aiming downward toward the fire, spreading incredibly fast.

"Sun," I say, my voice shaky. I hate fire. I hate it. The feeling of burning sets me off. "No. Nononono Sun I can't do it!"

"Take a deep breath okay? You'll be fine I promise,  I won't let it touch you. Fire is just fire, okay?" Sun says, griping my soul and holding it in weapon form, making sure my fear doesn't transform me back. His words do little to comfort me, but I answer weakly, "Okay,"
The cloud tips downward, blasting through smoke. My lungs burn. I cough, and look up to see Sun covering his mouth with his left hand.
"Ahh!" Kids voice screams, and Sun flies swiftly to his side, a scar marks the left side of Kid's face.

"Go," he whispers, "I'll cover you," he says, and starts shooting purple rays from Liz and Patti.

Sun has always been fast, that's his thing. He strikes the enemy from all directions, moving so fast his shoes start to burn his feet.

"Darkness," he says. I swiftly change into a human, run toward him and change my arm into a blade. I spin around him using my own momentum and claw him in the eye, leaving a slight purple glow.
"Flail!" He yells, I transform. As he catches me. He spins and hits the man in the face. When Sun stops I get a good look at our enemy.

He is average sized, missing a chunk of his ear. His ears are pointy and rigid.

"Gas," he hisses in a raspy voice. A red gas emits from his finger tips, both miesters fall to the ground.



I change to a human, quickly grabbing my opponents arm, continue spinning around him until I can reach his neck. I wrap my arms around him in a head lock and climb onto his shoulders.

"Whats up?" I ask looking down with a smirk, "Oh wait, me!" I say, clenching his neck tighter.

"Not for long," he growls. He grabs me by the hair and yanks me off, a yelp of pain escaping from my lips.

I fly into a burning house.

The flames grown tall, my exit too far away. A deranged smile submits itself into my mind. I feel the fires heat threaten my skin. "Get out," I mumble to myself as I rise slowly. I run toward the opening, wood falling behind me as I exit, a flame burning the back of my arm. I cry out in searing agony. Suns eyes snap awake, as do Kids.

"Liz, Patti, ready?" He yells.

"Soul Resonance!" They yell in perfect sycronization. The weapons build their way up Kid's arms, steadily widening. I think I hear someone say something but it's interrupted by laughter.

"A Reeper! Oh this just got interesting!" The man yells, gas surrounding him. A smokes screen. Wise move, on his part.

"Fire!" Patti yells. The force of the cannons blows Kid himself back a few feet.

The man lay unconscious on the ground.

"I told you, always send the weakling in first," another mans voice says. Sun raises next to me. I toughen my stance, sensing danger.
A blast of fire comes straight at Kid, him and his weapons lay motionless on the ground.

"Oh god," I mumble.

"Simitar, now!" He yells.

I nod, transforming quickly.
We can't even get close, two men stand side to side, firing fire balls at us every which way.
We only have one ranged attack.

"Sun... You know what we have to do," I mumble.

Together we take a deep breath as Sun tightens his grip. "LETS GO, SOUL RESONANCE!"

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