Chapter Nine- Unfair Rescue

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The sound of Sun's footsteps echos through the halls, followed by everyone else's. I duck around the corner, in case they were followed.

"Adira!" Tsubaki rushes to hug me, squeezing air from my lungs.

Everyone continues to talk over each other, asking me questions.

"H-Hey, guys," I stutter.

Blood flashes in my eyes, along with a piercing scream ringing in my ears.

I quickly look around. "Wheres Kid?" I gasp.

"He's keeping watch..." Patti says, looking at the door cautiously.

"Oh, God," I say, running out the door. I run past enemies before they knew I was there. I stop suddenly at the corner.

"ADIRA WHAT ARE YOU... oh my god," Blackstar says, coming up behind me.

"KID!" Liz screams.

She kneels by a, luckily, unconscious Kid, his chest rises and falls with his shallow breaths. Blood flows from a stab wound in his side.

"We need to go," I say.

"I've got Kid, you guys start running," Sun says, kneeling to pick the bleeding boy up.

"Sun," I say, helping him lift Kid up. I decide not to tell them about what the man said about The Venom. "I'll... never mind," I lack an excuse. He gives me a confused look.

"We need to talk when we get back," he mutters to me. I stare confused as he walks past me.


I run after the others, Sun somehow still faster than me while carrying Kid.

I blink back the confusion. Sun has always been serious, but the tone in his voice when he said that was... different.

The maze of hallways, while confusing, is easy to find the exit. The brightness of the sun is a dead give away.

"Sun, clouds please," I say. He mutters something under his breath as clouds for beneath everyone.

We float silently towards the school, Sun examining Kid's wounds.

"It's not that deep, I think he'll be fine, we just need to get him to Dr. Stein," he says, wrapping his shirt around Kid's waist.

"Thank God," Liz exhales.

I stay silent. As we approach the DWMA, I dread whatever Sun wants to talk about.

"Can you guys take him to Stein? Me and Adira have some things to discuss..." Sun says, handing him to Soul.

"Sure, are you going to be okay?" Maka asks me.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I say, but I can hear the doubt in my own voice.

Me and Sun walk silently to the apartment. As the door closes behind us, I start the conversation I am secretly dreading.

"What's up?" I ask.

He nervously runs his fingers through his hair, " I had a... a vision," he says.

I take a step forward, "Okay, what about?"

"I-I'm not sure. I mean, that's why we need to talk, can you... help me? Figure out what it means?" He stutters, he paces around the room.

"Of course, what was it?" I am relieved that this was all that he meant.

"Well, we seem to be mid battle, against a witch... and she casts a spell... I don't see what it does but your gone, and I'm alone. I try to tell everyone else but they just ignore me. Then I disappear in a burst of sunlight," he speaks fast, not stopping to take a breath.

"Umm, I don't know..." I say, "When did you have it?"

"When you were kidnapped, it flashed before my eyes really quickly,"

"I don't get it..." I say, looking at him. I notice the black bags under his eyes. "Have you been sleeping?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "I don't know, I just... I just don't know," he buries his face in his hands. I walk over and hug him, his body warm.

"Get some rest, we'll talk about this tomorrow," I pull him up the stairs to his room, he doesn't object. I tuck him into his bed and turn off the light as I walk out, pulling the door behind me.

**Sun's Pov**

As I drift into sleep, Adira's face is hot on my mind. The further I go, her face starts to fade, replaced by nothing, darkness all around. I am falling, slowly, into oblivion. Total darkness. A small chill runs down my spine.

And the witch stands, towering over my small measly body. Every time I close my eyes she's there. It isn't the same witch as the one who was in Adira, though, although similar. Her eyes are violet, and her pupils resemble those of a cats. Her hair goes up in a Mohawk, taller than gravity should allow. Her black cloak makes her look as part of some sort of cult.

She chants.

Adira's gone.

I disappear.


Covered in sweat, I snap awake. Again? Why again? I wake to screams, screams of Adira.

"Adira!" I run to her room, she's asleep. Tears stream down her face, her face in sheer terror. I've seen it before. I exhale in relief, thankful its just a moon thing and not some sort of murderer or something. I stroke her hair softly and pull the covers down a little, and sneak in with her, protecting her. She calms almost immediately, but I can tell she's still watching death and despair.

**Adira's Pov**

When I woke up Sun was next to me, snoring slightly. I smile. He must have heard me last night. I grimace remembering the vision. It's one thing when it's a stranger.

It's another when it's your father.

I have, again, lost my father, but this time not to madness, but to death. It was a meister, it seems after I left he became a potential kishan, it doesn't surprise me though. His death hurts as much as if it would have before, but knowing Sun, I shouldn't tell him. He obviously is having a hard time, I don't want him worrying about my all the while.

I sit up slowly, careful not to wake him.

Walking down the stairs, I hear Maka and Soul arguing, I eavesdrop from the top of the stairs.

"... tell them?" is all I catch from Soul.

"I don't know, they have a lot on their plate, it can't be easy," Maka defends us.

"We can't afford them living here anymore," he says.

I clear my throat, "Actually I finished the paperwork for the place next door," they both stare at me shocked.

"Okay..." Soul doesn't know how else to respond.

"How's Kid?" I ask.

"We were actually about to go see him, want to come with?" Maka asks.

"Sure, I'll go get changed, and get Sun," I turn to my bedroom, but hear an odd noise from the closet next to it.

I creep towards it slowly, and turn the knob slightly. The door creaks as it opens and I gasp.

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