Chapter Thirteen- Loose Some Gain Some

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"I have good news and bad news," Dr. Stein says once we wake up. "Which would you like to hear first,"

I think I need some good news, I say.

"Good news would be great," Sun says, sitting up.

"I can get her out of your shadow," Stein says, pushing up his glasses.

"And the bad news?" Sun asks nervously.

"It could erase some of her memories," Stein whispers.

What? I ask.

"Why?" Sun crosses his arms.

"The shadow reflects a certain aspect of a person's soul, meaning anything connected to a persons shadow could, well, be connected to any memories related to that specific aspect,"

"Why wouldn't it erase my own memories?" Sun asks.

"Because it was her soul that was combined with your own," Stein says. "Do you still wish to go throw with this?"

Yes. I say.

No, we can't risk it, Sun argues.

It's my choice to make, I don't want to be stuck here! I persist.

"What aspect is my shadow linked to?" Sun asks.

"I cannot tell," Stein says.

What if my soul is linked to happiness, you would have no memory of anything that made you happy! He exclaims.

That's a risk I'm willing to take. I take a shaky breath.

"We'll do it," Sun says. Stein nods.

"I'll need to start the procedure immediately," Stein says, and instantly we get dizzy.

I love you, Adira, Sun whispers to me. Always have.

It hurts, to say the least. Despite the drugs I  feel all of it. I feel his soul being yanked from mine, I feel certain memories instantly being plucked out of my head. I the wake up, who knows how long later.

"She's awake," a blue haired boy says.

"Thank Death," A blond says.

"Wha- what?" I sit up slowly. "Who are you guys? Why are you here?" I say, looking at their familiar faces, although familiar I cannot place a name to them.

"She's kidding right?" A black haired boy  says, three stripes of the left side.

"Everyone out," Dr. Stein says. Why do I know him, but not anyone else in this room. Why isn't Sun here?


Adira? Sun's voice says. I jump at the noise and look around.

Sun? I ask.

You can here me? He asks.

I can here you. I laugh.

What do you remember? He asks.

I remember almost everything, except... There were people here... They looked odd. I think there's a gap in my mind where their faces should be.

He's silent. You should get some rest.. He says after a while.

I shake him out of my head and get up. I walk slowly out the door.

"Where are you going?" One of the blonds turns to look at me, her hair in pigtails.

"Umm... Just to uh, get some uh... Fresh air! Yup, fresh air!" I giggle nervously. I don't know who this girl is.

"You don't remember me... Do you?" She asks, sounding hurt.

"No... Not really," I say.

"Does the name Maka ring the bell?" She asks.
I shake my head.

She gasps. "Your soul.. It's... I don't even know how to explain it... It's like, mixed with Sun's," she says, staring at my oddly.

"Um... Okay... I'm just gonna go get that fresh air now..." I start backing away and run into a wall. I quickly turn and run another direction.

I remember Dr. Stein saying I would loose some memories. I know those people, I do, but names and everything else fails to come to mind.

I sigh as I arrive on the patio. This is where I came the first night I was here.

"Do you come here often?" The white haired boy says as he approached me.

"Not nessicarily," I say, stepping away from him.

"Stein said you'll get your memories back soon, after your soul realizes it's seperated," he says.

"Cool," I whisper.

"Cool," he replies. We just stand there. He eventually turns to leave when suddenly something hits me.

"Soul?" My eyes widen. I know his name. He turns slowly.

"That's me," he smiles. I nod. My smile broadens.

"I live with you right," I say. He nods. "Home then?" We start walking down the block.

"Adira! Nobody told me you were awake!" Sun yells, tackling me. I giggle and push him off.

"My memory is coming back," I smile.

"That's good," he says. "I have a surprise..." He says as we open the door. Two people our age sit on our couch.

"Quinn? Frost?" I say, my voice cracking with emotion. "Oh, my Death! I haven't seen you guys since we fled!" I cry.
Quinn sits with her arms folded. Her posture perfect. Her teal hair is straight as a line, not a hair out of place.

Frost leans back in his chair, his white eyes focused on, noticeably, my body. Quinn slaps him on the knee.

"Hey!" He grunts.

"Adi!" Quinn stands and hugs me gracefully. Frost and Sun clasp hands and pull each other into an emabrace.

"Where did you find them?" I ask Sun.

"Actually, we're joining the academy," Quinn states with her shoulders back.

"No way," I gasp.

"Way," Frost grins.

"Wait, that means you guys were weapon and Meister too?" I ask, my eyes wide.
They both nod.

"Turns out I'm literally a ball and chain," Frost says, and Sun and him laugh. They both used to joke that he would grow up to be a wild party animal with a nickname "Ball and Chain,".

"Where are you staying?" I ask.

"With you," Quinn says, handing me a key.

"No," I say. I look across the hall and see the door wide open, empty.

"Yup," Sun smiles. He really is quite a Meister.
My mind wanders to when we were going under. I love you, he had said. Did he mean... Like... Romantic love? Surely that was implied. I silently kick myself for not saying it back.

"On an unfortunate note... We had to bring someone along," Frost says. He doesn't have to say another word, I already know who he's talking about.

"Oh god," I say, falling onto the couch.

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