Chapter Sixteen-Welcome Back

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I'm not entirely sure what Sun is to me. My best friend? Yes. My brother? Essentially. More?

I just don't know.

"Adira! You almost ready?" Sun asks through the door. I finish adjusting my leather jacket and open the door.

"Ready when you are," I smile. He nods and walks away, noticeably not sure what my smile meant.

I know he's distant, feelings annoy him. I know that. I might as well say goodbye to any romantic emotions I may feel towards him.

We walk out of the new apartment, almost unpacked. We still need to buy things like... you know... furniture for the living room. And groceries. And utensils. Dear god, we aren't going to be able to go anywhere fun for the next month. We're gonna be broke.

"Good morning," Death says as I walk in.

"Right back attcha," I wave two fingers back at him.

Stein stands at his classroom door, his arms crossed.

"You're on time?" He asks Sun. Sun nods awkwardly.

"I'm surprised," Professor Stein smirks. "Welcome back, Adira," he says as I walk past him. I nod politely.

"ADI!" Kid jumps over rows of students and tackles me to the ground.

"Uh, hey," I say, his body weight crushing me.

Tsubaki helps me to my feet and I follow her to the group of girls, Patti, Liz, Maka, and Quinn sit in a row, talking in hushed voices.

"We were just getting aquainted," Tsubaki explains, indicating to Quinn.

"That's great," I smile, "How do you like it so far?" I ask Quinn.

"It's a bit overwhelming," she sighs, maintaining her superior composure.

"Well, speak of the devil,"Soul and Blackstar walk in, staring at me. I involuntarily blush. 

"Hey guys," Kid and Sun approach them and start talking. They do a handshake before taking their seats.

I sigh. I missed this, regular days of regular class. My scar suddenly tingles.

"You okay?" Maka asks, looking at me. I nod.

"Yeah, why?" I say.

"Your, uh," she points at her eye. I reach up to my scar and discover it's bleeding.

"Oh, it's nothing. Happens all the time," I lie.

She nods. Stein clears his throat.

The class immediately silences itself.

"Good morning, students. As you may have hear, our beloved Adira has joined us yet again today," he indicates toward me. Everyone claps. I shift in my seat, attempting to avoid the attention. "And we have a new pair of students. Quinn and Frost, to the front please,"

They both get up. Quinn straightens her outfit before gliding down the staircase, as Frost simply jumps down from the top.

"If you could introduce yourself, along with show of your transformation," Stein says.

"Hey, I'm Frost, and I'm a ball and chain," he says. Sun laughs from beside me. I smirk slightly.

"I'm Quinn, and this idiot's Meister," Quinn smiles. Charismatic in their own ways, I can see why they are compatible. Everyone laughs and Frost smiles.

Stein waits for Frost to transform. Frost looks around unsure of what to do.

"Oh, yeah!" Frost laughs before changing into a chain, a sphere at the end with something that resembles an eye. Quinn swings him around, tangling a chair across the room and pulling to her. Everyone claps.

They take their seats. "Good job," we all whisper to them, patting them on the back. Frost looks tired, I don't think he has transformed very often.  Quinn looks unsure as to if we are telling the truth.

"You did great," I assure her.

"Sure," she mutters. "Thanks,"

Her green eyes stare blankly ahead. Frost kicks his feet up on the desk. It's been to long since I've seen these two.

"Adira," Stein calls on me.


"The answer?" he points at the board.

"Uh..." I stare at the board. "Resonance?"

"You think the strongest technique is soul resonance?" he clarifies.

"Er... Yeah?"

"Incorrect," he sighs. I sink in my chair slightly. Blackstar giggles and I punch him in the arm.

"Ow," he grunts. Tsubaki smirks.
I stare at my paper and take notes on multiple things Stein says.

Sun and I leave class last, slowly gathering our things.

"How was your day back?" He asks me. I shrug.

"Getting back into the swing of things," I sigh.

"I'm sure it'll come back to you in no time," he assures me. I nod and walk out the class with Sun.

We walk to 'Duel Arts'. The large gym is full of a verity of students, including Quinn, Frost, Maka and Soul.

"Oh thank god,"Quinn breathes as I walk in, "I wasn't sure you were in this class," she loops her hand in mine. I smile awkwardly as we walk towards the group of students clustered together.

"Alright, students," a familiar red head says, his smirk creeping me out slightly.

"Oh, dear god," I whisper. Not this creep. Maka laughs next to me.

"The feeling is mutual," she mumbles.

"I'm Spirit, your new Duel Arts teacher and Death Scythe," He bows slightly. Quinn and Frost look intently at their new teacher as everyone else rolls their eyes.

"For today," he continues, avoiding eye contact with Maka, "We are going to pair each of you with another team, and decide rankings for mid-terms," he clears his throat.

I gulp. Mid-terms? Already? Dear god, I couldn't have been gone for that long? I've missed so many tests and homework assignments. I'm screwed.

He starts pairing people together.

"Venom and Karta, and Adira and Sun," he says finally. I look around. A boy with green hair and snake bites looks at me, along with a girl with short dark hair. They both look unbelievably intimidating.. in a goth sorta way.


"It's an organization," the man had said when I was kidnapped.

He's not an organization.

I look away, but I can feel his hot glances on me.

"Find your partners and begin!" Spirit says after saying a few other names.

Maka and Soul look at us sympathetically, and Quinn and Frost turn and walk away immediately.

We stand face to face with the girl as the boy changes into a green sword.

"We'll go easy on you, Moon-girl," the girl growls.

**HEY GUYS! Pretty un-eventful chapter, but hey, these two could use a break, huh? I'm running out of characters to add and I need them for....


No spoilers here!

But seriously, any suggestions are welcome.**

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