Chapter One- the first of millions

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Sun groaned, obviously not as excited as I was about school.
"Shut up, Adi," he says, pushing me off of his bed, causing a loud clunk on the floor.
"Shh Sun, you idiot. Soul and Maka are going to kick us out!"
He sits up, making a low pitch growl.
"You ready to try today?" He says, waking up more every second, going back to his serious, in-humorous self.
I tense. "It still hurts, y'know?" I say.
"No, I don't, you close up whenever I ask how you feel. Dr. Stein said your healing, that's good! You can stop being so upset now, okay?" He asks.
My finger goes to the scar on my left eye, mingling over the slight bump left by hardened blood. I see the look in Suns eyes when he looks at it. I'm not healed, and he knows it.
"I guess" I say and retreat back to my room.
I can't believe it's my first day at the Academy. I pull on my gray tank top, a white hoodie, and a leather jacket. Always go with layers my mother had said.
I pull on some dark jeans and lace up boots that reach my lower knee. I pull my dark black hair into a braid, the color slowly lightening to a purple as it reaches the tips. I position my bangs to hide the scar.
I walk down the stairs to the smell of pancakes.
"Maka, you shouldn't have," I hear Sun say. His hair remains unbrushed and he wears a simple yellow t-shirt and jeans.
"My pleasure, really!" Maka says, in her usual outfit, hair in two perfectly done pigtails.
Souls voice bellows from below me, he must be sitting on the couch, "She does it every Monday, don't flatter yourself," I can almost hear Maka's glare.

The academy looks particularly big today, as students filter in with friends, allies, and partners.
Always be yourself, sweatheart.
I take a shallow breath. Here we go.

Sun walks slightly behind me, as he usually does. Neither of us are too outgoing. Maka leads way to our first class, it makes sense, almost everyone has the same classes.
"Have a seat students!" Dr. Stein yells at the loud echo of students.
He turns to the door as we enter the class.
"Ah, hear we are, students this is Sun and his weapon Adira, I believe I've told you all about them before, please give them a warm welcome!" Dr. Stein says.
Me and Sun tense at his words. Told you all about them before. Why? I don't know. Sun follows Maka and I
follow Soul.
Dr. Stein starts rambling on about soul wavelength when a loud "hello" echoes over an overhead speaker.
"I need Kid and Sun, bring your weapons," Me and Sun rise and awkwardly leave the silent class.
The death room sends memories back through my mind, thinking of when my mother had brought me here. He's not as scary as he looks. I tense, Sun grips my shoulders.
"Take a deep breath, don't think about her, okay?" He says, almost reading my thoughts.
I nod.

"Hiya kids, how's a goin'" he says in a goofy voice. Lord death, a goofy faced weirdo.
I turn around to leave but Sun blocks me an shakes his head. I sigh and turn around.
"I have a mission for you, both of you," Death says, I realize there is a boy standing with two girls, one tall, mature looking with sandy blond hair, and another who looks like she had too much alcohol, bouncing around like a bubble who refuses to pop. The boy stands perfectly straight, three lines on one side of his hair. "Three people have decided to rampage a town together, Kid, Liz, Patti, I would like you to show Sun and Adira how missions operate,"
They all nod in unison.
"They have named themselves 'The Windscars'," Death continues, but I toon out. This room gives you the effect of being so high up, and so small too. The endless stream of trees that look eerily like graves surround a small platform, and I shiver silently. Forty five minutes in the Academy and we already are assigned a mission.
"They use weapons you may not have battled before. Work together," Lord Deaths voice aggravates me. What about the deep chill that sends itself down your back when he speaks? Was my mother brought down by this pile of laughter.

"Of course, father," the boy, Kid I assume, says in an even voice. Sun glances at him, contemplating if what he heard was true, this kid had said father.
Fighting along a Reeper, who knew Mondays could be so exciting.
"I'm gonna kill him," Sun mutters under his breath, glaring at Kid," I'm going to kill him, Adi,"

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