Imprinted to be Yours

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I couldn't believe how fast the years had gone by. Before I knew it, it was Renesmee's fifth birthday and she was going to school like any other ten year old she looked like. And then just last year she finished high school and was starting college in Seattle at seventeen. Ness always came home on the weekends and through the holidays, so it wasn't like we didn't see her anymore just because of college, which I was glad about. I always missed her greatly if I didn't see her even for a couple of days. She hadn't aged as quickly as we first thought she would, which helped greatly with the Cullens' trying their best to give her a normal human life. 

Ness and I had always been close, like brother and sister, but that never seemed to change . . . for her. For me it was different. I started to fall in love with her when she was around twelve - in human years of course - but I was sure she didn't feel the same way, which kind of hurt. But I wanted her to be happy, and I didn't care who she chose in the end, I just wanted her to be happy and have a happy life. That was the whole reason behind my not pushing the issue any farther. 

Though, it wasn't until tonight she had ever gone on a date with someone. It was her eighteenth birthday and some guy from her college was taking her out to one of the Seattle clubs. I didn't like the idea of her going clubbing, but I disliked the guy even more. There was just something I didn't like about him, about Alex. He seemed nice enough though.  

I sat on Renesmee's bed watching as she did her makeup to go out with him. She was beautiful, I had to say it. Her hair was done up with tight curls of her dark brown hair hanging down from her pony tail. Her light pink eye shadow glistened in the light of the room and her light pink, full lips completed her look. She wore a golden sequin backless dress and golden high heels. Alice had taught Ness to always dress nicely and showy without being over the top like most teenage girls her age. I watched as she put on the necklace I had bought her for her birthday - her birthstone in a shape of a wolf.  

Of course, with my being a Cullen's watch dog - as Paul puts it - I came to keep an eye on Renesmee as well as spend time with her while she was around her little apartment for her birthday. I often hung out with Ness in Seattle, so she wasn't really suspicious to seeing me here, especially tonight.  

The Cullens' as of late, let Ness go out on her own and allowed her to look after herself, but tonight, Edward wanted me to keep an eye out for her, with it being her eighteenth birthday. He knew just how wild the teens of this century could get when turning eighteen. She was all grown up, but she was still daddies little girl. I couldn't blame him for thinking of her like that either. With or without Edward telling me to watch out for her tonight, I still would have still been doing so. 

"So, how do I look Jacob?" she asked with excitement, after putting on a little mascara and golden eyeliner. She really didn't need any make up. She was perfect without it all.  

I smiled up at her and stepped closer. "Perfect, as always Ness," I whispered, looking down into her eyes. Within that moment I hadn't ever felt so in love with her before. So connected to her, like I could read everything she was feeling and thinking.  

A sudden sound of a car tooting outside broke me from the dazed state I had been in while staring into her perfect chocolate eyes. Ness stepped outside and onto the balcony, looking down to the street she said excitedly, "He's here!" I smiled half-heartedly with seeing her so excited. She ran back over to my side and kissed me on the cheek like always. 

She then ran to the doorway of her bedroom, then stopped and turned around to face me again. "Are you going to be okay here? Do you want to come too, Jacob?" she asked softly and sweetly. I smiled and sat back on her bed. "No, I'll be fine. I won't rain on your parade. You know me Ness. I'll watch the game, have a few friends over . . . have an open house party," I teased. She giggled with hearing what I had said. I could have sworn I saw her blushing in the cheeks now. Or was that just more makeup?  

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