Don't Make Me Say Goodbye

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After leaving Ness, I ran home as quickly as I could in my human form. The last thing I wanted was the pack to know and see everything I had, and I knew the feeling would be mutual with Ness too. Neither of us were braggers. We didn't kiss and tell. 

I really didn't want to leave her, but there was some chance of her father not finding out and I was going to embrace that chance and hope we didn't get caught. I knew we would be in so much trouble. Especially me, cause I knew how Edward would see it. I had just taken daddy's little girl and made her grow up and into my own. I knew he would hate it and me for it if he ever found out. All I could do was hope that both Ness and I could keep our thoughts clean and clear of our night together. But I really didn't know if we could do that forever. 

As I got back home, the house was dead silent with both my father and Rach sleeping. I snuck inside without a sound and took a quick shower before going to bed, but it was pointless in trying for sleep. I was wide awake and afraid I would either sleep through my alarm and with it, miss seeing Ness goodbye, or the alarm wouldn't go off at all. So I laid there on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, thinking about everything that had happened over the past couple of weeks, leading up to today. So much had happened in so little amount of time. Things I thought would never happen with how things were playing out, but in the end, they did happen, and I was glad they had. 

After a while, I glanced at my clock on the side table next to me, and saw it was almost time to leave again. I knew the Cullens' would be leaving in the morning or just before dark. They would be trying to get away soon as possible and with how the day was looking like it was going to turn out - overcast and dark, even at this time of the morning - they were definitely going to be leaving this morning. 

My legs flung over the side of my bed and I got my clothes out of the cupboard quickly and tied them to my ankle before phasing outside. I knew none of the guys would be out this early in the morning. They would have all went home half an hour ago. I was glad that was the case too. I could run twice as fast in my wolf form to my human, and I really wanted to feel the air going through my pelt while running.  

I jumped over logs covered in green moss and tore through veins hanging down from trees while running. Droplets of rain started to fall on me as I went. I looked up to the sky, seeing it was grey and looking heavily, I could sense there was a storm on the way. Perfect, I thought with sarcasm and ran a little faster until I came to the edge of the forest near the Cullens'. I phased back quickly and pulled on my tee shirt and jeans.  

Walking out of the forest, I saw Alice coming out of the Cullen's house with a heavy looking box in her arms which looked like it could easily crush her if she wasn't a vampire. The box was by far too big for her to be carrying alone. It was in moments like that, I had to remind myself she was a vampire and that box would be like lifting a feather. I wondered what was in it as she loaded it into Emmett's huge Jeep. There was at least another ten boxes in it already. It looked like they were almost ready to leave. 

After placing the box into Emmett's Jeep, she turned around with ease and grace and saw me. She smiled sweetly as usual before a slight look of concern came upon her pixie like features. I tried to hide my reaction to it the best I could, but I wasn't sure what may have showed on my face at the time. I could tell they were trying to hide the fact they were moving from me.  

"Hey Jacob," she said in a high tone of voice, with happiness. "Nice shirt," she giggled and danced off into the house. My eyes narrowed with hearing her. I looked down to my shirt to see what she was talking about and rolled my eyes with seeing I had put it on back to front and inside out. 

Rosalie came out after that with a small box in hand. It was so small a three year old human could have been running with it. Her eyes rolled with seeing me. "Forgotten how to put a shirt on dog?" she said and walked past me. I ignored her and started to take my shirt off to fix it. I heard her hiss at that and snickered to myself. Good. I was trying to tick her off. Things between her and I hadn't changed at all over the years. We still, always, had shots at one another whenever we could.  

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