Hunting Trip

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Staring over at Nahuel, the way he looked at Ness made me feel uncomfortable. The way he looked at her, reminded me of how Edward used to look at Bella before she was changed - like she was a piece of meat. If he was a no mad, I would have just phased and put an end to it.  

"What do you know about him?" I whispered huskily, speaking to Bella. 

"Very little," she answered in a nervous tone. "Just his past; he turned his aunt when he was born and has three sisters and now a brother. He doesn't have anything to do with his father." 

"You mean his venomous?" I questioned, staring into Bella's eyes. I hated the thought of that. What if he bit Ness? What would happen then? Even if it was a mistake . . . I couldn't think it. It hurt too much to even try and tempt to think it.  

Bella nodded once without a word. I could sense she knew what I thought of this. She was nervous, staring down at the ground below her feet. Whenever she did that, I knew she was feeling uncomfortable or trying to hide something from me. She knew I could read her eyes like a child's open book.  

"I don't like it Bella. I don't want him around her." 

Bella's eyes met mine. I could tell what she was going to say before she had even said a thing. "It's her choice Jacob. I cannot keep him away from her and I cannot keep her away from him. You yourself have said she's old enough to make her own decisions." 

"But..." I trailed off midsentence. Bella was right, she couldn't stop her or him from hanging out together, but maybe I could, to a point. Maybe I could have Ness stay at La Push, then he couldn't be anywhere near her. I found it funny how everything I seemed to say came back to bite me in the ass in the end. 

With having nothing more to say to Bella and her now gone quiet too, I could hear Ness's and Nahuel's quiet conversation going on. I couldn't help but listen after hearing Nahuel say, "I thought it could be just the two of us." My eyes narrowed, trying to work out what he meant.  

"No, I want him to come," Ness whispered back. "Hey Jacob, do you want to come hunting with us?" she suddenly shouted out. Now everything made sense. Nahuel wanted alone time with Ness. Well if he thought he was going to be getting it, he had another thing coming.  

I turned around and smiled at my Nessie. "Of course I do," I answered. I only wanted to go for Ness. I wouldn't have gone if it wasn't for her. I really didn't care much for the hunting part; it was the part alone with Ness I loved the most. I used to do this all the time with her when she was little, but over the years she often only ate human food with the rare occasion of blood just to keep her strength up.  

Hearing my answer she smiled back with now excited vibes coming from her. Bella could sense the vibes now too. I could tell. 

Heading down the stairs, I turned slightly and looked over my shoulder, back to where Bella was still standing. She had her arms crossed and looking as though she was cold. "Coming, Bella?" I offered, hoping she would come. I also missed hunting with Bella. When we hunted together, it was like our minds were connected, and for some odd reason, I didn't always get that feeling with Ness. I didn't know what it was, but it confused me. Maybe she had a different hunting tactic to me. But Bella just shook her head.  

"No thank you Jake. I think I'll just wait for the others to come back," she replied in a soft tone, looking out the horizon.  

I shrugged, heading over towards where Ness was standing against my car. "Suit yourself then," I murmured, offering my arm to Ness with a smile. She giggled like a school girl and wrapped her arm through mine. Glancing at Nahuel, he had a scowling look upon his face and within his eyes. I laughed to myself at the sight. He really didn't like me being around. 

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