True Love

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As I slowly awoke, everything from yesterday started flashing before my eyes, and causing my heart to race in excitement and shock. So much had happened in less than twenty-four hours and I couldn't believe any of it. I was in denial it was all real. It felt like some great dream, a dream with so much detail and emotion in it, it had to be real. That was the only thing which made me realize it had all happened. 

I yawned silently with hearing the rain falling outside and skimmed my fingers down, along Ness's arm. I felt her turn into my side more and her arm wrapping around my waist. I smiled with feeling her beside me. Nothing within my life I had felt before summed up to how I was feeling in that moment. Things hadn't ever felt so right in my life before. Things were perfect and that was how I wanted them to stay. 

I suddenly felt her gaze upon me. My eyes opened as I looked down to her leaning on my chest looking up to me while smiling brightly like I hadn't ever seen before. That smile, was my smile. The smile I felt so in love with. The one I had been waiting to see for so many years. The one I had finally gotten to see. I didn't know how I had lived without it for this long. I never wanted to not see it again. It was so confusing, even to me, but somehow her smile made me feel like it was the sun of my day. It felt so weird, but it was all too true. 

"Morning," she whispered ever so softly and leaned up to kiss me. 

"Morning," I murmured huskily, as her lips touched mine softly. Her arms wrapped around my neck as my arms wrapped around her waist. Her lips were so soft and warm, and whenever we kissed, it was like I could read everything about her. Every past memory we had together, every emotion I ever saw from her and her every thought. I could hear her heartbeat racing slightly as she kissed me. Her lip trembled slightly under mine. I smiled, pulling back just enough so I could look into her beautiful chocolate eyes. My hand ran up her back and slowly went back down as she stared me back in the eye.  

It was the sudden sound of Ness's phone ringing which broke us both of the dazed state we had both fallen into because of each other. I half jumped at the sound which had startled me. Ness ran over to where her phone was on her dressing table and picked it up on the last ring - much to my disappointment. I sat up in her bed, watching her as she answered the phone. 


"Hey Ness, you're mum and I were just starting to wonder if you are still coming home today?" Alice's voice chimed over the phone.  

I flopped back against the mattress, annoyed with myself that I had completely forgotten about the Cullen's plans for today. The plan was, if Ness went out with Alex on her birthday, the very next day - being today - she would be home to celebrate with her family. And of course, Alice had gone all out for the occasion, which Ness didn't even know about. Sure she knew about being home with her family and all, but she didn't know about Alice's small party idea. I didn't know what exactly Alice was up to, though I could easily guess with knowing just how out there Alice could be with celebrations.  

Even with my eyes fixed on the white ceiling above her bed, I could feel her eyes were on me in question. I nodded my answer without speaking; knowing Alice would hear me. Out of all the crazy things the Cullens' got me to do and the things they let me do, one of their rules were that I wasn't allowed to be in Ness's bedroom alone, though Ness and I often broke that rule. Not once yet had I been caught and I was planning on keeping it that way. 

"Yeah, I am. Of course I am Alice," she giggled sweetly. 

"Well, you better get that butt of yours home Ness, it's almost midday."  

My eyes went wide at hearing that. I hadn't realized how late it was or how late we had slept into. I guess between Ness doing late nights with studying and I staying out late on patrol, it had all caught up with us - not that I minded at all. It was nice to have a break away from the pack and to spend some time with Ness for once. Don't get me wrong, I love the pack and my father and my sister, but I just wanted more time with Ness, without her family being around and eaves dropping on us, along with the pack too. 

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