Lies and the Truth

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Ness stirred in my arms as I awoke to my alarm ringing. It was still early morning. A dim light of the sun slowly rising over the mountains shone through my window behind us. It was still raining outside.  

It had been a couple of days since hunting with Nahuel and Ness hadn't even mentioned going home. I thought maybe she was upset with Nahuel for how he had acted, or maybe she was enjoying the time away from home. Whatever it was, I was just happy to have her back in my life. 

Yawning, Ness turned into my side and wrapped her arms around my chest. "Do we have to get up now?" she mumbled into my neck. I smiled wrapping my arms around her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. 

"No, we don't, but I do. I got work," I sighed, sitting up. 

"Aw, do you have to? Can't you call one of the guys or something?" she whispered, placing her hand on the side of my face, pulling me back down to her. 

I smirked, leaning back down to her level and kissed her slowly. "I already have four times since you've come home. I can't do it again." 

Her lips pouted ever so innocently. Her eyes turned into one of a puppy's. I chuckled at the sight of her. It was too cute. "That's not going to work today Ness. I got to go." 

Her eyes rolled playfully as her hand stayed on the side of my face, holding my gaze. "At least leave me with something to make me miss you." 

I smirked again. "Like I don't know you'll miss me anyway." 

Ness tried to stop a smile from appearing over her features but failed greatly. I wasn't able to help laughing at her expression. She slapped my shoulder playfully with a huff, playing hard to get. Her arms crossed tightly over her chest. She looked so adorable when she acted this way - yeah it sounded cheesy I know, but it's true.  

I leaned over her as I kissed her slowly and passionately until her arms wrapped around my neck. She sighed in my mouth as I leaned down upon her more, deepening our kiss. My hand ran along her stomach and stopped as I felt a cold line over her skin. My eyes narrowed as I pulled away and ran my finger over the line again.  

"I didn't notice a scar on you before Ness," I whispered, looking deep within her eyes before she turned her head away. 

"It's not a scar. I just cut myself the other the day while we were running." 

"It should be healed by now if that were true. We both know neither of us scar easily if at all."  

"It was a deep cut. Will you drop it?" 

My eyes narrowed at her. Something didn't feel right. I could sense Ness didn't want to speak about it - it was obvious before she had even told me to drop it - and I knew, if it had been a deep cut, I would have smelt her blood, and so would have Nahuel. 

"Why do I feel like you're keeping something from me Ness?" I murmured, sitting on the side of my bed as I glanced towards her, staring up at the ceiling. I leaned over and picked up my jeans, waiting for her reply as I pulled them on. But she never said a thing. She just kept on staring up at the ceiling like she hadn't even heard me. 

I growled to myself out of frustration of her ignoring my question and pulled back the covers swiftly without warning. For the spilt second I saw Ness's hand resting over that long silvery-white scar which looked years old. It was faded and flat. I had seen the very same scar on Bella after she had Ness, while she was turning. It was gone now, but I would never forget the look of it. 

"Jacob," Ness glared at me in shock, pulling the blankets back over her. "What's with you?" 

Bit my lip in attempt to calm down before speaking. "I know that scar Ness. It's the same one your mum had when she had you. What is going on? And don't tell me you cut yourself, because I know it's not true." 

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