Home Again?

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One Year, Six Months Later

The rain lightly sprinkled down upon my shoulders as the motor of my dirty growled while running over thick mud, turning sharp corners on the dirt road and going over rocks. I glanced up at the sky, hearing a crack of thunder going over my head before a snake of lightning opened the sky as far as my eyes could see.  

I stopped my bike and cut its engine, looking around myself, I thought, where has she gone now? "Luca?! Where are you?" I shouted and then started to hear her motorbike's engine coming up behind me fast.  

I looked over my shoulder to see her little blue dirt bike racing through the forest, past trees and rocks as it ran over a mossy log, jumping mid-air over top of me and did a flip on the bike before landing safety ten feet in front of my bike. I looked at her with both shocked and impressed eyes through my helmet. She had been watching too much motor-cross on TV again.  

Taking off her aqua helmet, she shook her now neck length, short black hair free, grinning at me from ear to ear. I could sense she was proud of herself, but I couldn't help but also worry. That had been a dangerous trick she had just pulled, even for someone like me.  

I took off my helmet, letting the cool, fresh air meet my skin again. "You shouldn't have done that Luca. It's dangerous in dry conditions, let alone in weather like this," I said, walking over to her slowly. 

She rolled her eyes with a pout. "I do it all the time Jake. Dad says its fine." 

I smirked crookedly at her. Sam had said going over logs was fine, not doing a mid-air bike flip in the rain. I just shook my head, leaning down to her level, staring off in the distance and then looked back to her. "You know your dad will have my head, if anything happens to you, right?" 

She giggled lightly. "I would like to see him get past me," she laughed. "Don't worry Jake, your safe with me," she grinned, taking a step over to her bike. I couldn't believe that had just come from an eight-year-old.  

Luca caught my gaze again. "Aren't you proud of me though? That was a hard trick." 

I smirked crookedly, taking off my glove to run my hand through her hair. "Yeah I am. Just don't do it in the rain, okay? And not so fast next time. I don't want to see you hurt Luca." She grinned back at me again and sighed, nodding her head.  

She pulled her helmet back on and started her motorbike's engine. "Last one back at Dad's is a rotten egg!" she shouted, laughing and taking off before I could even tempt at pulling my helmet back on my head. I laughed at her free spirit. For a now eight-year-old, Luca was fun to be around. Spending time looking after her had really helped since Ness had moved away. 

It had been hard at first - and still was. I missed her so much and she felt the same way. We called each other every night for the first three months before realising it was doing neither of us any good. We were only missing each other more with each phone call made, so we then made it once a month. But I hadn't heard from her in the past three months. I called multiple times trying to catch her and make sure she was okay, but all I got was voicemail. I just wanted her home with me, where I knew she was safe. I hoped she was okay. Neither Bella nor Emmett was answering their phones either.  

And as for the two vampires, Don and Ann, they seemed to have disappeared after Ness left too. The pack hadn't been able to destroy them, or find them after they had gotten away from us. It was like they had never even been on our land or Forks, ever. Ness had said there were no signs of them around her new home in South America either. I wondered where they had gone, and why they had given up on catching Renesmee so quickly. I knew vampires well enough to know they didn't give up that easily. 

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