Working with the Enemy

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While slowly wondering through the forest in my human form, I watched the ground with blind eyes while thinking deeply. I thought back to the day Ness was born and the day I gave up fighting for Bella to be my own. I wondered if it had been the imprint which had changed my feelings towards Bella, or if it was my state of mind. I knew how the imprint worked, I had seen it all play out before my eyes with Sam, Emily and Leah, and yet, spite the imprint, somehow Sam had feelings for both Leah and Emily, but went with Emily in the end because she was his imprint, no matter what. That bond was unbreakable until he stopped shifting. I started to wonder if I just gave up my feelings for Bella because it was the easiest way out for both of us. She had Edward and I had Ness, but I wasn't in love with Ness when she was a baby or a child. I was more like a big brother to her, a friend, right up until she admitted her feelings towards me. But even before she had said she loved me, I loved her. When did that change and why hadn't I loved Bella up until that point? 

Even after Ness were born people and even my own pack thought that maybe Bella and I still had feelings towards one and other. Though I denied it, I can't remember even once Bella saying it wasn't true. Maybe she still did love me in some way outside of family. Thinking back I could now see what people thought. She was always around me, giggling, smiling widely and being a fliryu kind of playful. Maybe she just felt at ease with me though? We had been friends ever since we were little kids. . . 

I scoffed, shaking my head while thinking, how did I even come to think these thoughts? Ness was my imprint and I hadn't ever thought about Bella any different from being family - like my sister -since Ness was born, so why was I thinking about it now? Was I starting to doubt the imprint? I had no idea. . . All I knew was the bond with Ness wasn't as strong as it had been. But if Sam could love Emily and Leah, why didn't I still have some kind of feeling for Bella, or had it right up until I started to love Ness? God imprinting was confusing - and that's coming from a full blooded Quileute with an imprint!  

I kept walking through the forest, nearing Fork's forest until a strong scent of sickly-sweet came into the air and my ears pricked at low voices speaking not far from where I stood. Keeping downwind so they wouldn't catch my scent, I peered through the trees to see Nahuel talking to a guy who looked like he was in his forties. His skin was like Nahuel's. His hair was on the longish side and black. His eyes were what stood out the most to me though. They were a bright red. 

"Just get the kid and let's go," the guy said in a harsh tone, speaking in a tone that was more of an order than anything else. 

"And if he turns out to be the mutt's son?" Nahuel questioned. 

The guy smiled darkly and crookedly. The smile alone made me feel sick. "We either train it to how we want it to act, or we kill it. Simple." 

"Not happening. I'm not like you Joham. Now leave. I'm not joining with you." Nahuel started to walk away and back towards the direction of the Cullen house. 

"So why did you come to meet with me son?"  

My eyes narrowed while listening to them. What was Nahuel planning?  

Nahuel scoffed. He stopped and half turned his body back towards his father. "You had the answers I needed and with that I also thought you may want to change. But I was wrong, obviously."  

He went to walked away again, leaving Joham in the middle of the forest alone, but Nahuel stopped once more in shock at the sound of my voice. "Now what are you two boys planning out here in the rain?" I asked in a casual tone, leaning against the trunk of a tree with my arms crossed over my chest, watching them. I was just in the mood for a fight too. 

He looked towards me and then to his father who was now staring into my direction hissing. Joham's hisses only made a smirk appear over my features. My inner wolf was at play, making me cocky and all too confident.  

"Get out of here Mutt. It has nothing to do with you," Nahuel said in a stern tone before starting to walk away again. "And I suggest you get out of here too Joham, before the Volturi come. They didn't exactly agree with the things you did eighteen-years-ago. I'm doubtful now they'll be any different." 

Nahuel kept on walking back towards the Cullen place calmly. My eyes narrowed upon him, trying to pick up anything that may be something suspicious, but failed to do so. My eyes shifted to Joham as he kept changing his gaze directions between I and his son. I pushed my shoulder away from the tree trunk and slowly followed Nahuel before meeting up with him. I wanted to find out what was going on. They had obviously been talking about William and whether he was my son or not, he mattered to Ness. 

Apart of me just wanted to pin him against a cliff and demand answers of why he had taken advantage of Nessie that afternoon they met up in South America, but I knew never in a million years would he answer those questions from anyone, let alone me, nor would it do any good with Ness. It would only push her farther away with seeing us both fighting. 

"Was that your father?" I said quickly, wanting to understand what I was dealing with. 

"Yeah it was," Nahuel snapped, stopping and turning towards where I had also stopped behind him after sensing his movement. "What is with you? Do you always have to know what is going on around here?!" 

I could feel my eyes narrow and darken with hearing his words. It was my duty as alpha to know everything that went on around Forks and La Push, especially my land. "Yeah I do in fact. Because it's when little leeches like you and your father come to town, it puts my family and Ness in danger, especially when they're trouble makers like you," I spat aggressively, holding back from growling.  

Nahuel rolled his eyes, placing his hands on his hips like a moody three-year-old while staring off in the distance. After a moment he just scoffed a huff and shook his head. "It's not just Ness you need to worry about. It's William too. I asked my father here for his advice, because he is a scientist who studies vampires and mutts since he turned. There is a possibility that the kid could be ours, meaning Renesmee's, yours and mine. If that is the case and the Volturi find out, they will not put up with it and deal with it as they please. They won't approve of your kind mixing with my own either in the way of hybrids. They could very well decide to put an end to one of you to stop it from happening again, and I do not want to see that happen to Renesmee.  

My father suggested we hide with him, though I'm sure he only wants to experiment on William and I will not have that whether he is yours or mine, or ours, or whatever. I do not work with my father. I despise how he lives and plays around with humans like there his puppets. He very well could be a threat to William now too." 

Just when I thought I knew and understood supernatural and that it couldn't get any more confusing or . . . weird, it seemed to always prove me dead wrong. It was almost too much to take in at once. I shook my head with confusion basically giving my brain, brain freeze. Just as I was about to speak, Nahuel went on. 

"Believe it or not, whether she chooses you or myself, I am here to help Ness with the Volturi as her partner or friend. Alice has seen they're on their way now and will be here by the end of the afternoon. I have a plan and if you stick to it, everything will be okay. Will you hear me out?" Nahuel held my gaze, trying to read whether I was agreeing to what he had to say. I took in a deep breath and held it as my eyes closed, trying to keep myself calm and stop the light shaking which was starting to tremble through my body. I had already made my mind up. I couldn't believe I was going to be working with a vampire. I was turning into Seth. It was the very last thing I thought I would be doing in my life time.  

As I let my breath go and opened my eyes, I nodded. "Yeah, I'll hear you out, for now," I murmured huskily.

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