Escape Plan

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My eyes stayed narrow on the two leeches as they slowly advanced on us one step at a time. I held Ness close to me, my body shielding her as we both took slow steps backwards. I knew it wouldn't be long until we ran out of land to step on.  

Ness's hand clutched mine tightly suddenly. She showed me an image of my phasing and telling the others. I just shook my head at her. "I can't Ness. They'll see your father too," I murmured. "They'll want to punish him for breaking the treaty."  

I watched as Don looked to the female and murmured something so low I couldn't hear it. The female looked up to him with a sickening smile. "You were told she was gifted," she murmured back. My eyes narrowed more upon her. What did they know about Ness?  

"I don't care Jacob!" Renesmee half shouted. "He deserves it for breaking the treaty in the first place." 

I shook my head. She had no idea what she was talking about! And the last thing we needed to do was show weakness in front of these two leeches! I took in a deep breath and looked down to her, hoping my next words maybe would stop her from questioning me further. "Even, even if the punishment is execution?!" I asked in a deep and even tone.  

With all the pressure I was under, my Alpha tone had almost came out. My inner wolf was pressuring me to take over with the vampires in front of us, and from when Edward had attacked me and then on top of it all was Ness telling me to phase, the very thing I was trying to fight. I wasn't used to fighting against my wolf. Every time pressure was put upon my shoulders, I gave into it to fight leeches. There was only so much I could take at once. 

I noticed Nessie go quiet after I had spoken. I hoped I hadn't scared her. It hadn't been my plan to scare her. I just wanted her to understand the situation I was in without revealing it as a weakness to those leeches in front of us.  

They suddenly took my attention away from Ness when I noticed they had taken three quick steps closer to us. I eyed them closely, trying to work out their next move. I glanced over my shoulder behind us and noticed I was running out of room to step back. I growled, glaring at them and watching dark smirks appearing over their features.  

The sudden sound of a howl made us all jump. I looked past the two leeches, I could see Leah and Embry running in their wolf form towards us at a fast pace. The Don and the female actually looked worried now. They started bickering so quickly I couldn't make out a thing they were saying. I almost started laughing. Leeches weren't always the best under pressure.  

Ness was watching them closely too. She suddenly held me tighter after they had rambled something I was trying to analyse. I hadn't quiet heard it. "Just get the girl, and let's get out of here, Ann!" Don half hissed, half growled at the woman. 

My gaze quickly went to Embry and Leah still running. They were just too far away to help us yet. I could tell both Don and Ann wanted Ness and I to fall into the ocean so they would gain the advantage on me and take Ness. I didn't know what to do. We were cornered against the cliffs, nowhere to move, run or jump. If it was just them and me, I would have risked jumping over them to gain more grounding, but I had Ness to think about too. 

I quickly started to figure out a plan while looking between Leah and Embry. My arm's grip around Ness's waist tightened as Don tried to grab her. I kicked him in the chest hard, forcing him back away from the two of us and distracting Ann at the same time. She looked to Don ten feet behind her now and then hissed glaring back at me. 

Embry looked into my eyes, like he could see what I was planning. He gave a soft nod of his head and let out a fierce howl that ripped through the forests of La Push. Everyone who lived in or near La Push would have heard it. Ann shuddered and covered her ears for the loud sound of it, as did Don after sitting up. 

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