Law and Order

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I understood all too well how Ness felt now. I just wished I could have went up to her right then and there and apologised for not understanding what she had said. It was all too easy to get caught up in the moment. I knew that now. But the one thing I didn't understand was how I felt with kissing Bella. Had it just been passion I felt? Or was it real? Something I had just turned my back on all those years ago because I had given up on her after my imprint had been born. And why I hadn't I realised this sooner? My head felt so dizzy with confusion. My mind was going a billion miles an hour. 

"Their bond is strong Aro," the leech in the back with chocolate, wavy hair spoke deeply again. Aro was staring at both Bella and I with his hands together, dumfounded.  

"Yes, I can see that. Though, one thing confuses me. The last time we were here, when Renesmee was born, you were protecting her." Aro spoke directly to me, not even glancing at Bella as she squeezed my hand in worry. 

My eyes narrowed. "I was protecting her for Bella's sake," I answered evenly, holding Aro's gaze.  

"Jacob is the only one I would trust enough to look after and protect her," Bella murmured, backing up my reply. I squeezed her hand lightly, glancing at her for a second with a small smile while no one was looking. 

"Hmm yes, perhaps, though it did get back to us that you and her were together on a cliff's edge not so long ago," Aro smirked, speaking gently.  

I felt like he knew more than he was letting on, just by the way he was speaking and how the smirk looked upon his face. I knew I had to be careful with every word and explanation I said.  

"Mistaken for Bella," I answered a little too quickly, cursing to myself the very second after I had spoken.  

Aro seemed to stay quiet after that while walking slowly towards where Ness was still standing within Nahuel's arms, holding William. I could sense she was scared and became more so with each step Aro took towards the three of them. Standing there acting like I didn't care was the hardest thing I had done in my life. I didn't want Aro anywhere near Ness or William. Whether William was mine or not, he meant something to Ness and that alone was enough to make me want to protect him.  

From the corner of my eye, I could see Carlisle looking at us - mostly myself - in question. I knew what he was thinking and nodded slightly once in response. He stepped forward taking a deep, unnecessary breath in. "Aro, I assure you, my coven has done nothing to break your laws." 

Aro had stopped with hearing Carlisle and started to stare at William. My whole body tensed in reaction. Bella squeezed my hand, trying to calm my inner wolf down, but I hardly I felt her touch. My mind and body was fixed on Aro for if he made any sudden movement. 

"And the child?" Aro asked after a couple of minutes, turning towards Carlisle. His bright red, milky eyes flickering towards me for a brief second and then back to Carlisle.  

"William is just like I and Ness, Aro. He is half vampire, half human. He is of no threat to anyone," Nahuel replied in an even, deep tone, staying calm though focused.  

"So he is yours and Miss Renesmee's?"  

Nahuel nodded. I had to keep reminding myself this was all a part of the plan. We still really didn't know that for sure - at least I didn't. It was hard to keep control of myself and my inner wolf with everything which was going through my mind, and with the things I was hearing also, it wasn't helping one bit, even with knowing they were nothing other than lies. 

There was a chill suddenly set in with a gust of wind. Within that second I could sense that the storm was only a few minutes away. I glanced at Ness huddling into Nahuel's arm as he pulled his jacket around her and William, but I knew that wouldn't do any good. Nahuel was just as cold as Edward or any other pure blooded leech in front of us. It was like wrapping a coat around a snowman so it would last longer. She needed me to keep her warm. Not Nahuel. 

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