Setting You Free With A Promise

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My hand brushed down the side of Bella's cool face as she leaned into my shoulder. I gave her a minute, knowing it must be hard not to be able to cry when she was so used to it back when she was a human. Though it had been eighteen years ago she had been changed, I hadn't seen once since then, Bella even looking upset, let alone ready to cry. I gave her a minute before questioning her again. 

"Bella, please, tell me," I murmured almost silently with a huskily tone of voice. She was laying on my lap now. I looked down to her and kept on brushing my hand down the side of her face, sensing it was making her feel calmer. 

Slowly, she sat up and went back to leaning into my side. Her hands rested in her lap as she stared at them. I watched her closely, trying to see what she was thinking. Please don't lie to be me Bella, I thought. I could just see by the look on her face she was thinking about how to answer me. She always over thought things! Just like her husband! Why couldn't she just let herself say the words she wanted to say, feel what she actually felt, without thinking about it first?!  

I shook my head, frustrated and pushed myself off of the couch quickly. "Don't lie to me Bella," I said loudly. Her golden eyes met my own. She was wondering what I was talking about, because I had spoken her unsaid words. I could still read her like a book, even after all these years.  

"You're going to lie to me, I can tell. J-just don't Bella. I can't live with the thought I may not ever see you or Ness again." She went to speak when I stopped her. "And I also can't live with the thought of you telling me I'll see you both again one day, and forever goes by and I realize it was just a lie. Don't Bella, please don't lie to me." 

Bella sighed heavily and pushed down on her knees before standing up. She stood just inches away from me, holding my gaze as her cool hand ran down the side of my cheek. Shaking her head lightly, her hand dropped back to her side. "You'll see us again Jacob," Bella whispered. "It's been eighteen years I've been a vampire Jake. Everyone is starting to notice I'm not aging - that we're not aging. It's time to leave." 

My eyes narrowed while shaking my head and breaking free of her hold upon me. I started to glare at the corner of the room, near the door. They wouldn't be back for years if that was the truth behind why they were moving. They couldn't move away for twenty years even and come back, because there would be still people who would remember them.  

My eyes closed hard in grimace. My right hand turned into a tight fist as I brought it up to my forehead and brought my hand back down to my side hard and fast in rage. I had waited eighteen years for Ness, and now I finally had her, we were being pulled apart - it was the forbidden love between us. We really weren't meant to be together. Nowhere in history, had anyone heard of a werewolf with a vampire, or even half of one, because we were natural enemies. We weren't meant to be together, just like humans and vampires weren't. Sure, Bella had been successful with staying with Edward for all these years, but, she wasn't still human. 

Slowly my eyes opened as I kept on shaking my head in disbelief while staring into Bella's eyes. "You can't do this Bella. I can't be without Ness. I've waited eighteen years for her. She's old enough to make her own decisions. Let her stay with me. You know I'll look after her." My gaze dropped from hers. "Why are you moving so quickly though? And why didn't you want me to know about it?" I murmured, looking back up to her, searching for the truth in her eyes. Something seemed out of place, but I wasn't sure if it was Bella or my emotions. 

Bella shrugged her shoulders casually. "We're vampires. We move quickly," she answered, forcing a slight smile on her face. I just shook my head again. That only answered one of my questions.  

Abruptly, Bella took my hand, making me look her in the eyes once more. "Look, Jacob, I didn't want to tell you, because, you can't come with us. You need to stay here with Billy and Rachel. You have a pack and life here. Family and friends . . . you shouldn't give them up, for anyone." 

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