Meeting Zoe(Chapter 6)

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**Next Morning**

I wake up and look at my alarm clock. 12pm!! Wow I slept late. Probably because I couldn't hardly sleep last night because I was think about how embarrassing that was last night when I threw up. Anyways, I go downstairs to get breakfast.

"Good morning sleepy head." Mum chuckles.

"Morning." I say rubbing my eyes.

"I made pancakes. Want some?" She asks.

"Sure." I yawn.

I go into the kitchen and get a plateful of pancakes. Yes I love food. Who doesn't? I mean it keeps you alive doesn't it? Mmmhmm!! I sit at the table and eat. While I'm eating, I my phone next to me buzzes.

From: Austin

MSG: Hey I had a nice time last night. Can I come and get you today?


To: Austin

MSG: yeah what time?


From: Austin

MSG: now?


To: Austin

MSG: Fine by me. I gotta get dressed, I overslept lol


From: Austin

MSG: ok see ya in a few.

**End of Convo**

I quickly stuff myself then run upstairs. I slide on a glittery tank top, some cheer shorts, and my vans. I tie my hair into a messy bun and put makeup on. Not too much though. I go downstairs when I'm finished getting ready.

"Going somewhere?" Mum asks.

"Austin wants to get me. That ok?" I ask.

"That's fine. I have to go to work in half an hour." She informs me.

"Ok bye love you mom." I say a I give her a quick hug and rush out the door.

"Love you too. Have fun." She smiles.

I stand outside and wait for Austin's blue convertible to pull up. It finally does and I hop in the passenger seat.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"I want you to meet my girlfriend Zoe." He smiles.

What?! Girlfriend! Zoe!

"Y-you have a girlfriend?" I ask.

"Yes." He laughs.

"But I thought....and we were....and last night. I'm confused." I stutter.

"We're friends Madelyn. She knows that so don't worry." He chuckles.

Ugh I just turned red and hot inside. Friends? Seriously why? I thought he was single and he was going for me! How pathetic am I crushing on him and everything. Yeah it's totally normal to go on a date with a girl you jus met and be all touchy and say you're just friends afterwards. Note the sarcasm. I don't even know how to react to this.

"Oh ok that's good." I laugh trying to hold in my jealousy.

**Austin/Niall's POV**

As I'm driving, I look at Madelyn and see sadness in her eyes. Does she like me more than just a friend? I really do like her but I do have a girlfriend. I can't just give her up like that. We pull into Zoe's driveway and get out of the car.

"Are you ready for this?" I ask.

"Mmhmm." She nods.

"Is there anything you want to tell me before we go into her flat?" I ask.

"Nope why?" She asks.

"Just wondering." I say as we walk into her flat.

I knock on the door and her mum answers the door.

"Hello Ni..." I interrupt her by saying,

"Hello Mrs. Whelan. Nice to see you again." I smile.

"Come in." She says.

When. We walk into her house, I pull Zoe's mum to the kitchen alone.

"Listen I don't want her to find out I am Niall Horan...." I explain everything.

"Oh I see. That's fine. I'll call you Austin." She whispers.

"Thank you." I smile.

"Does Zoe know?" She asks.

"Yes. Where is she?" I ask.

"In the shower." She replies.

I go back into the room with Madelyn as I hear a weird noise coming from the bathroom. It sounds like a rooster that is dying.

"What is that?" I chuckle.

"That is Zoe. She is singing in the shower" Her mum answers.

"Oh." I laugh.

We all three laugh at the funny voice. I know it isn't right for me to laugh at my girlfriend, but it is hilarious. She finally comes out with only a towel around her.

"Um Zoe I told you my friend Madelyn would be coming with us." I say.

"It's fine Niallz. Come in my room with me for a minute." She grins.

I follow her into her room with her.

**Madelyn's POV**

This is really awkward. Why did he want me to come if he's gonna be doing stuff with her.

"I guess you're all alone." Zoe's mum chuckles.

"Yeah. I think I better go." I sigh.

I run out the door and go to the car rental place down the road. I rent a car and go to the library. There are a bunch of books and I don't know what to read. I just don't feel like reading right now. I don't even know why I came here. I just get on the computer for a while and then leave. I decide to go to Walmart. I get a bunch of candy and sweets. Then I grab a magazine and checkout.

**Niall's POV**

Zoe takes her towel off and comes at me. I back away from her more and more.

"Zoe I don't think this is a good idea." I say.

"Come on baby." She says.

"No. I did bring Madelyn as she is standing out there all alone." I explain.

"She's with my mum. Mum will give her cookies or something like that to keep her satisfied." She says coming closer to me.

"No!" I yell as I run out of her bedroom.

When I walk into the dining room, I don't see Madelyn standing there anymore.

"Where did she go?" I ask Zoe's mum.

"She left." She replies.

"Oh no." I sigh.

I go out the door and get in my car to pull off.

"Niall baby! Come back!" Zoe yells from the door.


Did you like this chappie? It's kinda short but ima bout to update. Vote vote vote!! Oh and please comment!! Did you notice that Madelyn got a magazine from Walmart? Hmmm I wonder what is in that magazine? Wouldn't by chance be Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, ONE DIRECTION!!

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