She Moved On(Chapter 24)

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Madelyn's POV

The party is pretty much over. I've already opened the gifts and blew out the candles. Everyone is starting to leave.

"So do you want to spend the night with me at my new flat tonight?" Niall asks.

"Sure but don't be naughty." I wink.

"I'll try not to." He laughs.

I roll my eyes.

"I gonna go check on Karlee. I'll meet you at your new flat." I say as I grab my car keys.

I hop into my car and drive to Karlee's flat. I pull go up to her room and knock door. I hear a loud noise that sounds like someone fell. The door opens and I see Karlee standing there with her shirt on backwards.

"Hey." She breathes.

"Umm why is your shirt on backwards?" I ask.

She looks at her chest and her eyes widen.

"Awkward." She blushes.

Right then Austin walks up in his boxers.

"Ok. I better go. It looks like you are doing ok after all." I say.

This is really awkward.

"Thanks for checking on me. You can stay if you want." Karlee says.

"It's ok. I'll give you two some privacy. Are you two like an item now?" I ask.

"Yep! I can't believe it!" She squeals.

"That's great." I smile.

"Yeah!" She grins at Austin.

Austin gives her a big hug.

"So was I like interrupting anything?" I ask.

"Not really. It wasn't exactly what you think. My shirt wasn't on, yes. But I put it on really fast because I was in a small tank top and I didn't know who was at the door." She says.

"Then why is Austin in his boxers?!?!" I ask.

"Why not?" He asks with a smile.

"Oh good grief." I roll my eyes.

"Madelyn you don't have to worry, I'm only 18 and I'm not having sex until I'm married." Karlee says.

"Good." I sigh with relief.

"Come on in." She smiles.

"Ok. So you're not upset about Louis?" I ask.

"No. I only hate his guys, I want to rip his hair out, claw his eyes, and kick him in the nuts but other than that it's all good." She cheeses.

"Karlee." I give her a hug.

"What? I don't have feelings for him anymore. I'm moving on. I love my awesome Austin now." She says.

"Alrighty then." I say.


Niall's POV

I get a text from Madelyn.


From: Madz

MSG: Hey I will be there a little late. I'm visiting Karlee and Austin. They are a couple now!!!


To: Madz

MSG: that's fine. Cool! I think I owe Louis a little visit as well.


From: Madz

MSG: ha good luck!


End of Convo


Once I get to Louis' flat, I just barge right in. I see Louis laying on the couch watching TV.

"What are you doing here mate?" Louis asks as he sits up.

"Why the hell would you do that?" I ask.

"My feelings seen as strong for her as they are for Eleanor. You understand don't you?" Louis asks.

"Well that still isn't fair to Karlee. She might not be as pretty as Eleanor but she has a bigger heart then her. Eleanor just wants you for your money Lou! You should know that. I hope you're happy with your decision. Lucky for you Karlee has already moved on and she is with Austin Mahone." I say.

I can tell his blood is boiling after what I just said.

"Well I don't care." He snaps.

He lies back down to watch TV.

I decide to just leave without saying goodbye. I don't understand this. Louis never acts like this. Something must be up. Well I guess that's just life.


Sorry guys short chappie. Ok so please vote and comment!!

Love you all,


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