Getting Ready(Chapter 20)

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Niall's POV

I forgot to invite everyone! The party starts in 3 hours and nobody knows about it.

"Lou we have a problem." I tell Louis.

"What is it?" He asks.

"We forgot to invite people! We need to get everyone to start inviting people." I say.

"Karlee!" Louis yells.

Karlee walks over to us with scissors in her hand. Louis looks at the scissors in her hand and his eyes get very wide.

"What do you need boobear?" She asks.

"Well first I need you to give me those scissors honey." Louis takes the scissors carefully from Karlee.

Why?" She asks, looking hurt.

"I don't trust you with scissors. When you get mad, you go crazy and you will stab someone with them." Louis says.

Karlee gets tears in her eyes and looks at Lou with puppy dog eyes.

"Aweeee." Louis says as he puts Karlee's head on his chest.

"So anyways I need you to call people and invite them to the party." Louis says.

"Okey dokey. Who will I invite?" She asks.

"Selena, Demi, Taylor, Nicki, Justin, Austin....." Karlee cuts Louis off.

"Justin Bieber?!?! Austin Mahone?!?!" She asks, with a star struck look on her face.

"Yes." Louis says.

"Oh my gosh!!! They are so cute!!" Karlee squeals.

Louis has a hurtful look on his face. He looks down at his shoes and walks away.

"Louis! I forgot to mention something." She yells.

"What?" He asks, turning around.

"They aren't as cute as you though boobear." She smiles.

Suddenly Louis' frown turns upside down into a big cheesy grin.

"Yay!" He screams hugging her.

"Ok I should probably call people now." She says, trying to catch her breathe.

Wow those two are nuts.

Well it looks like we have invitations covered. I look at my watch and notice it is time to get the cake. I go outside and get into the car and drive to the cake shop. I walk through the door to the shop, as the little bell on the door dings.

The woman walks up to the counter all sweaty, with icing all over her apron.

"Are you here to get the cake?" She asks.

"Yes." I nod.

I was thinking about saying, "No I'm here to sit down and have a glass water and stare at the wall," but I didn't because it would be rude.

He disappears to the back of the shop to get the cake. She comes back with the cake on a platter. As she sits it on the counter, I eye it carefully. It looks just like the picture that I looked at earlier if the cake. She puts it in a box.

"Wow you did a magnificent job on the cake." I smile.

"Thank you. Hey how old are you?" She asks.

"19." I say.

"I have a daughter that is 18 and I think you might be interested." She winks.

Urmmm scary.

"Sorry but I already have a girlfriend. This cake is for her because it is her birthday." I smile.

"Oh ok. Have a nice day." She says as she haves a coughing spell.


I take the cake and and put it in my car. Then I hop in the drivers seat. I drive to the club and take the cake in.

"Is that the cake?" Liam asks.

"Yup." I say as I sit the cake on the bar counter.

I lift the top up and everyone immediately stops what they're doing.

"Oh my gosh it's beautiful!" Liam says.

"Best cake I've ever seen." Harry remarks.

"I bet it costed a fortune!" Karlee squeals.

"That is a lovely cake you picked out. Madelyn will be thrilled." Louis smiles.

"Yes it is." I smile, feeling pleased with myself.

"I'm finished inviting everyone. So far everyone is showing up except for Pitbull and Bridget Mindler. Bridget is in California on tour and Pitbull is just ugh. I didn't even want to invite him, he's weird." She gags.

I roll my eyes.

"Ok. You know all of her friends so could you invite them?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says as she takes her cell phone out of we pocket.

I walk over to the DJ his sound system thingy.

"So do you have all the music ready?" I ask.

"Yeah man. No need to worry about it bruh." He says.

"Ok cool." I smile as I turn around, eyeing the room.

Suddenly a loud

"UGH!!" Blasts from the big speaker I'm standing in front of.

The loud scream me to fall of of the stand, making a loud thump.

When I stand back up, I realize that the loud scream blasting from the speakers was "Want U Back" by Cher Lloyd playing.

Wow that was very scary. I suddenly feel my pocket vibrate. I pull my phone out of my pocket and realize I have a new 7 new messages.......


Tell me if you like!!! If you like this book, check out my new book called, "My Long Lost Friend." It is a Louis Tomlinson fan fic. Vote and comment please!

Love you all,


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