The New Job! (Chapter 18)

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It's been a few weeks since Niall took me to the beach. We've been going on dates everyday since then. As the days go by, our relationship grows stronger. I got a new and better job at my moms dress shop. I get to make up the designs of the dresses. Dad got a job there too! Yeah it sounds kind of weird but he's the photographer there. He take photos of the women that wear the dresses. He takes pictures for "Seventeen" magazine and he takes wedding photos. I quit my job at Nandos because I got fed up with the people that work there. Ugh they are such jerks.

Today is my first day to start at the shop so I'm excited and a little nervous. As I walk into the dress shop I see Renee at the desk and another woman with glasses and brown hair on the phone with someone. I walk up to Renee.

"Hey girl!" She says.

"Hey how are you?" I ask.

"I'm great! Your mom should be in the back measuring dresses." She points to the door in the back.

"Oh well I'm here for the job my mom gave me." I say.

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that. We should get you started then." She smiles.

Renee takes me to a little room with a desk and chair. There is a little lamp type thing on it and pencils and paper.

"This is your office. You will use this paper for your sketches and you can put your ideas on the smaller paper. The office is all yours so you can hang posters, you can paint your walls, an you can do anything you want to this room. Good luck." She smiles as she shuts the door.

"Wow I get my own office." I say to myself.

I sit down at my desk and start thinking. Hmmmm. I got an idea! I start to write down all of my ideas as then sketch them.


*6 hours later*

Yes I'm done! I've gone through like 50 papers trying to make the sketches perfect. My trash can is FULL. I take the sketch to Renee at the counter.

"I'm finally finished." I say with relief.

"Wow these are really good. I've never seen anything quite like this." Renee grins.

Suddenly mom walks up with sweat running down her forehead.

"Um are you okay?" I ask.

"Oh hey and yeah. Its jus that they shut off our air conditioner back there so I had to work in smoking hot heat." Mom breathes heavily.

"Why did they shut off the air conditioner?" Renee asks.

"Who knows! They have been shutting off a lot of things lately." Mom yells with anger.

"Look at these sketches Mady drew! They are great!" Renee squeals.

Mom eyes the sketches closely and says, "They are different but we need to stick with the usual wedding dresses and sweet 16 dresses. None of that teenage stuff."

"Um ok then." I say.

Mom goes back to the back of the shop.

"I think they are really good. Shes just in a bad mood." Renee winks.

"Thanks." I laugh.

"It looks like your shift is over. Do you need a ride?" Renee asks.

"No thanks my boyfriend is picking me up." I say.

"Oooooh Mady has a boyfriend! Who is he?" She asks.

"Niall Horan." I smirk.

"That name sounds familiar. Like really familiar. Do I know him?" She asks.

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