Oh No!(Chapter 22)

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Madelyn's POV

I can't believe they did this for me! It is so sweet. I was so worried that Niall had forgotten my birthday. I wasn't expecting any gifts or anything from him, I just wanted him to do something special with me. But I do love him very much. I could care less that he's a celebrity or not. I'm not dating him because he is famous or for his money, I'm dating him because we truly do love each other.

"What are we waiting for? Lets partayyyyy!!" Karlee yells, standing on the bar.

The DJ starts this really loud rap song that hurts my ears. I look at Karlee an her eyes widen and she starts dancing. Oh god, here we go. Everyone looks at Karlee dancing on the bar and they have confused looks on their faces. Louis covers his face trying not to watch. She grabs Louis' hand and drags him up on the bar.

"Dance Louis!" She yells taking her butt and bumping his.

Niall is in the floor laughing his butt off.

"I am not dancing! What is wrong with you?!?!" Louis asks loudly.

"Come on!! I'll do anything! Just do it!" She yells.

Then Louis' facial expression changes and he smirks.

"Alright." He smirks.

He starts dancing very crazy. Then, Karlee does her octopus dance which is very hilarious. She waves her arms all over the place and she looks like an octopus because her arms are very long. Suddenly Niall jumps up on the bar and starts doing the octopus dance.

"Wow." I laugh.

Harry jumps up there next and takes his pants off and starts swinging them around over his head.

"Oh gosh." I cover my eyes and shake my head.

Justin Bieber jumps up there and starts doing the same dance. More and more people jump up there doing the octopus dance until there is no more room. Then everyone starts doing it on the dance floor. What the heck, I should just join in. Karlee jumps down off of the bar and I walk next to her and I do the octopus dance with her.

"Yeah! Go birthday girl!" She yells.


Niall walks up on the stage and grabs the mic. Everyone looks at him and I hear a girl whistle. Grrr whoever it is better stay away.

"Ok. So we are going to do karaoke right now. Any volunteers?" He asks.

Seriously? Nobody volunteers out if all of the singers that are here.

"Well since no one will volunteer, Madelyn gets to be first since she is the birthday girl." Niall smiles.

"No!" I yell.

Liam grabs me and brings me onstage.

"No Liam!" I yell, trying to get out of his grip.

When I get on stage, I freak out.

"What song do you want to sing babe?" Niall asks me.

"Hmmmmmm lets see.................I want to sing.............NOTHING!!!" I yell.

"Please." He looks at me with a puppy dog face. Those beautiful blue eyes looking right at me.

"Ugh fine!" I groan.

"I know what you should sing. You should sing Change Your Life." Niall whispers in my ear.

I nod and he goes to the DJ to tell him. As the song starts to play, I notice that Little Mix is here!!!!! They are all looking at me with grins on their faces.

I start to sing and all of the talking and laughter goes silent. I feel kind of scared now, but I should probably keep singing.

"Change, change your life

Take it all.

You gonna stick together

Know we get through it all."

I notice in the middle of the song, Karlee has tears running down her face and she goes outside. I put the mic down and leave in the middle of the song. Everyone looks around with confused looks. I go outside where Karlee is. She starts to get in her car before I stop her.

"Karlee! What's wrong?" I ask.

"I don't want to talk about it. Happy birthday. Your gift is the big blue wrapped present on the table." She sobs as she gets in her car.

"No tell me what is wrong. Please." I beg.

"Louis broke up with me." She cries


Oh no!!! Louis broke up with Karlee!!! That's not good!!! I wonder why!! Well hope you guys like it! I posted 3 chapters in one day. If I gets some votes and comments today, I might make it 4 in one day. Vote and comment please!

Love you all,


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