Planning It All Out(Chapter 19)

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Niall's POV

I got it!!

I can throw a huge surprise birthday party for her and I will buy her a diamond ring. I can invite everyone we know to the party. I'll invite the boys of course, Cher Lloyd, the girls in Little Mix, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift, Mindless Behavior, Katy Perry, Usher, Austin Mahone, Rihanna, all of Madelyn's friends, and a bunch of other people.

I'll jus have the party tonight so I can have some time to get things ready. I will call Karlee and tell her to stall Madelyn while I get stuff ready. We'll have the party in a big club. I can't believe it. My Mady bear is 19 years old now! I'm gonna play it off like I don't know anything about her birthday today so she won't suspect anything.

First, I call the boys and tell them about the party. I get Louis to call a club and I have to count on Harry for decorations. Liam is going to be in charge of refreshments, and Zayn is in charge of Madelyn. Yes you know what I just said. He has to stall her while we get everything ready. I have to go order a cake that will be done by tonight. Welp, I better get to work.

I hop in the car and go to the cake shop downtown. I go in, and look at all of the cakes, and pictures. I know that perfect cake. It has 5 layers and each layer has a different color of zebra stripes. Neon pink, neon green, neon blue, neon yellow, and neon purple. Then there is this edible glitter stuff on it. The candles are all swirly and stuff.

The woman behind the counter comes up to me.

"Are you ordering a cake?" She asks.

"Yes I'd like to order this one." I reply.

"Ok. Good that's one of our easy ones. When do you need it?" She asks.

"By 6 or 7 tonight?" I ask.

"What? That only gives us like 6 or 7 hours to make it. We charge for that." She says.

"Ok how much all together?" I ask.

"$177." She says.

"Wow that's not bad." I say, handing her two 100 dollar bills.

"Thank you. We will have it ready when you get here." She smiles.

I smile, and go back out to my car. I drive to Louis' flat. When I get there, he is talking on the phone.

"But you don't understand. I'm Louis Tomlinson and I demand you let me rent that club!" Louis yells into the phone.

"What do you mean you can't let me rent it? It's important that I rent this club tonight!!" He yells once again.

"Ughhhh you son of a motherless goat!!" He screams and hangs up.

"Hello Niall. How are you today?" He smiles.

"Fine. So how about the club?" I ask.

"I have everything under control." He puts on a fake smile.

"If you say so." I sigh. "What about Harry? Does he have decorations?" I ask.

"Yes he has them, he just doesn't have a club to put them in yet." He says.

"Well aren't you gonna get calling?" I ask.

Louis drops the phone and then pucks it up.

"Um yes sorry." He chuckles.

"I'm hungry!" I yell.

"Shhhhh I'm on the phone little leprechaun." Louis quietly says.

"Sorry mate. I'm leaving see ya later." I whisper.

Louis waves as I go out the door.


Madelyn's POV

Today is my birthday!!! Yay!!! And I have nothing to do. I haven't got one call or text from my boyfriend. What if be forgot it was my birthday today! I hear a knock at the door. I get off the couch to answer it. I see Zayn standing there.

"Hello love." He smiles.

"Um hi Zayn come on in." I say.

He steps in and looks around.

"Wow nice place you have." He says.

"Thanks. So what are you doing here?" I ask.

"I came to spend time with you on your birthday! And I have nothing else to do. I'm a loner." Zayn frowns.

"Thanks Zayn. What do you want to do?" I chuckle.

His phone chirps from his pocket.

"Um hold on just a minute." He says, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"Hello." He answers.

"Listen baby I'm at Niall's girlfriend's house." He says.

He pauses for a minute. It must be his girlfriend.

"It's her birthday and I'm going to hang out with her." He says.

"No I'm not cheating on you! I love you." He says.

"Ok I'll pick you up tonight. Bye love you." He says as he hangs up.

"Who was that?" I ask poking him.

"That was my girlfriend Andy. I was supposed to pick her up today but it was your birthday so yeah." He says.

"Well she can come over if she wants. It's always nice to make new friends." I giggle.

"Thanks Madz. I'll go getter and bring her over." Zayn smiles as he goes out to his car.

I go upstairs and take a quick shower. I step out if the shower and dry my hair. I slip on a pair of basketball shorts and a white cami to fit my body. I take my brush and put my hair into a pony tail. I go downstairs and see Zayn and his girlfriend Andy sitting on the couch. They both stand up.

"Madelyn this is Andy, Any this is Madelyn." Zayn introduces us.

"Hi it's nice to meet you." She smiles.

"It's nice to meet you too. So what shall we do today?" I ask.

"I'm not sure. Is something wrong Madelyn? You seem kind of down in the dumps about something." Zayn says.

"It's just, I think Niall forgot my birthday. I think he might be mad at me because he hasn't called or texted me at all today." I sigh.

"Hey he isn't mad at you. He's just really busy. And I doubt he forgot about you birthday." Zayn smiles.

"I hope you're right." I say.


Niall's POV

We got a club rented and Harry is decorating right now. He is almost finished. Liam has all of the refreshments in a bunch of coolers. I went and hired a DJ that is setting up right now. The party is going to be big. Oh crap!!!! I forgot the most important part of all!!!!


Vote and comment everyone!!!! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like forever. I have had writers block and I've been really busy. If you have any ideas for the party, just comment and tell me! If the idea is good, I will mention you in the next chapter.

Love you all,


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