Slumber Party! (Chapter 8)

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Niall's POV

We arrive at Harry's house and see the boys outside sobbing. Madelyn and I get out of the car and run over to them.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Well um...." Liam sobs even more.

"Harry's cat died." Louis bursts into tears.


"I'm sorry Harry. But all this over a cat?" I ask.

I look over at Madelyn and I can see in her facial expression, she is trying not to laugh.

"You don't understand. She was more than just a cat. She was little miss poopsy. My inspiration." Harry cries.

Why am I the only one not getting this? This is a cat! How can it be his inspiration.

We are having a funeral for it." Zayn says.

I notice he rolls his eyes as he says it. Harry, Niall, and Louis are crying over a cat.....named LITTLE MISS POOPSY! Who names their cat this? I've known Harry for how long, and I didn't even know he had a cat. Wow Harry. We all go to Harry's backyard and see a rock sticking up from the ground with words saying "Little Miss Poopsy..... Loving mother and daughter."

"Who's daughter was she?" Madelyn asks.

"Well who else's? Mine!" Harry snaps.

"Hey chill out Hazza." I say.

"You shut up." He hisses.

Suddenly, Louis drops to his knees at the rocks and cries like a girl.

"Take me instead!" He screams bloody murder.

I look around and see people coming out of their houses because they heard Lou scream. I quickly go over to Louis and put my hand over his mouth.

"Shhhh. Louis shush! People are staring!" I whisper loudly to him.

Madelyn's POV

Seeing Louis lose it like that was just so funny. I mean yeah I feel bad for the boys because they are so sad, but it's so funny to think they are crying so hard over a cat. It must have been a special cat. I suddenly lose it. I can't hold it in anymore. I start laughing and I try to cover my mouth with my hand but it won't stop me from laughing. Harry, Liam, and Louis give me a mean look. Zayn and Austin look at me and chuckle.

"Sorry guys. I just was thought of something funny thats it." I say catching my breath.


It's a few hours later and we are all inside of Harry's house. Everyone has calmed down about "Little Miss Poopsy."

"What do you guys want to do?" Liam asks.

"Eat!" Austin yells.

"Puppet show!" Louis squeals.

"Nude dancing!" Harry screams.

"Twis...." Zayn says as he gets interrupted by Liam.

"Um Harry. I don't think so." Liam shakes his head.

"Damn you daddy!" Harry yells.

"Anyways, what were you saying Zayn?" Liam asks.

"I was saying we could play twister." Zayn says.

"That's a great idea. Who goes first?" Liam asks.

"Me!" Louis screams.

I notice that Louis has some screaming issues.

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