Seventeen (Chapter 10)

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Madelyn's POV

"What is your plan?" Dad asks curiously.

"Ok so this weekend, I will take mum out to eat at that fancy restaurant down town. You will be there too. Mum and I will surprisingly bump into you and it will be a 'coincidence'. We can't refuse for you to join us. Then I'll have Karlee to call me before we sit down at the table. It will be a so called emergency. I will leave and let you and mum talk and get to know each other more. It will be great!" I say, feeling all so smart.

"Great plan, but I don't know that this is going to work." He shakes his head.

"It will! Trust me, I know my mother." I say.

"If you say so." He says.

"Yeah so anyways, how have you been?" I ask.

"Good. Oh I almost forgot to tell you, I have a job to be a photographer for Seventeen magazine! I will get to take pictures of really famous celebrities!" She shouts with excitement.

"That is great Dad!" I squeal.

"And you get to come with me." He smirks.

"Oh my gosh are you serious?" I exclaim.

"No." I shakes his head.

"Oh." I look down at my feet.

"Of course you are silly!" He laughs.

"Oh. Yay!! Thank you Daddy, thank you!!" I squeal.

He holds his arms out and I embrace the hug. I can't believe it! I get to meet big celebrities! Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Chris Brown, Taylor Swift, Krewella, and all the Cis Bang Boom! This is so awesome.

"When is your first photo shoot?" I ask.

"Today!" He yells.

"Really? With who?" I ask.

He grabs a paper from his briefcase and eyes it up and down.

"Ummm it looks like Nicki Minaj and One Direction." He says.

"One Direction? Who's that?" I ask.

"I guess some band. I've never heard of them." He says.

"Me neither. But I can't believe I get to meet Nicki Minaj!!!" I squeal.

"Yep. Oh hey we gotta get ready!" He says looking at his watch.

Already? I don't know what to wear! I mean this is some big shiz meeting celebrities. I look through my extra clothes and find a cute purple cropped shirt and some pink jean shorts. I go into the bathroom and use a wand on my hair. I bobby pin my bangs up and put some makeup on. I slip on some gladiator sandals.

"Are you ready?" Dad asks.

"Yep." I smile.

We go out to the car and hop in.

"Do you want to drive?" Dad asks.

"Yeah but where is this place at?" I ask.

"It takes about an hour to get there but here's the map." He hands a big map to me.

"Um dad, do you want us to get list?" I ask cluelessly.

"No why?" He chuckles.

"Because we will be if I drive." I say.

"Oh well then maybe I should drive." He laughs.

"Yeah you probably should." I giggle.

He gets back in the drivers seat and I get in the passenger seat. Dang it takes an hour to get there. I lay my seat back and get on my phone on Facebook and Instagram. Then, I text Austin.

To: Austin

MSG: Hey! What's up?


From: Austin

MSG: Hey, just on a road trip with the boys. What about you?


To: Austin

MSG: Same!


From: Austin

MSG: Really? Where are you going?


To: Austin

MSG: Well my dad got this job as a photographer for Seventeen magazine. It's really cool! Today he is taking pictures of Nicki Minaj and some band called One Direction.


From: Austin

MSG: Really? That's cool.....


To: Austin

MSG: yep. Gtg ttyl!


Niall/Austin's POV

When Madelyn texts me saying One Direction, I suddenly start feeling hot inside. This can't be. The boys and I have to go to this photo shoot and Madelyn is going to be there watching. She will find out who I really am. Niall Horan, one of the most popular celebrities in the world!


Did you guys like it? Sorry to leave to hanging there but that's just how it is. I'll update soon because if I don't, then I'll forget all of my great ideas which won't be good now will it? Nope! Love you all,


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