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Pein's POV
"Did you give them their bracelet?" Konan asked.
I nodded show her the girls wrist.

"The bracelet will grow as they grow. And these will allow them to talk to us, when they talk to it. They won't come off, even if I try now, it won't come off." I told them.

The living room door flew open.

"We're being INVADED!!" Sasori yells.

"Konan!! Take the girls to our room and lock the door! Put them to sleep if you can!" I yelled giving her the girls. I ran out to the outside of the base.

"Tch!" I look at the invaders. They all had two diferent head bands. The Star head band and the Storm head band.

"ALMIGHTY PUSH!!" I yelled. Pushing them about a mile away, through hard trees.


Kunais are deflected by Sasori from one of the Star head bands invaders.

---A while later---

"Let's go!" I said walking back into the base, after killing the invaders.

"KKKYYYYYAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" I sprinted after hearing Konan yell.

"WHAT HAPPENED, KONAN?!?!?!" I yell running to her, in front of our bedroom.

I then realised that the door was broken down and the cribs were empty.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!" I turn back to Konan who dropped to the floor.
She started to cry.

"MY BABIES!!!!!!!!!! MY LITTLE ANGEL BABIES!!!!!!!!!!" She screams.

"I will kill them!!" I say in a deep deadly tone.

:-:-:-:-:-: To Konoha :-:-:-:-:-:

???'s POV
"Good job... Give each of them to the highest ranking clan...." I told the anbu.

"Hai, 3rd hokage-sama!" Said the anbu.

"We have to be careful now... We don't want the akatsuki to know that we took them. So make their birth files and keep them away from them and give them, fakes.... You can leave.... Dismissed." I turned around in my chair.

-:-:-:-:-:-:15 years later. 2008:-:-:-:-:-:-

:(:(:(:(:(To Sakura):):):):

Sakura's POV
"YOU WORTHLESS BITCH!!" My mother yelled. We were standing in the kitchen.
"I TOLD YOU TO PASS THE TEST WITH 100%, BUT YOU ONLY GET 99.5%!!" She glared at me. Then through a butcher's knife at me, which I easily dodged.

She stomped up to me and slapped me hard across the face. I stumbled back a few steps. I had previous scars on my body from knives, pans, forks and books.

"GO TO YOUR ROOM!! AND NO DINNER FOR YOU WORTHLESS BITCH TONIGHT!!" She pushed me backwards and I bumped into my elder sister. She had long red hair and wore glasses. She was only a couple of months older than me. She was always treated like a precious gem and was never yelled at out hurt.

"OI! WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING SLUT!" She smacked me across my face on the other side.
I shot a small glare at her and walked off to my room.

"Hello sweety! How was school? What did you get for your test score?" I heard my mother asked nicely.

"I'm sorry mummy.... But I got 19%..." I heard Karin say.
"Aww... That's alright sweety... You can do better next time." My mother said in a sweet voice.

My bedroom wasn't even a bedroom. It was at the top of the house in the small squished roof. I has a futon as a bed and some long pieces of wood as a table. I had no toys, unlike Karin, who gets everything...

I layed in my bed staring at my bracelet and wishing that my friends, Tenten, Ino, Hinata and Temari was here.

-:-:-:-:-: To Ino :-:-:-:-:-

Ino's POV
"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!?!?!?!" My mother yelled. We were in the living room.
"I-I got 99% in my test...." I stammered.


Then someone bumped into me. It was my older sister, she was a year older than me and her hair was brown. She wore black glasses and always hated me.

"ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?!?! GO TO YOUR ROOM!" She screams, throwing books at me. I dodged them quickly. When I turn, I saw a small smirk on Ayame's face. I had always compared my scars to my best friends to see if they and I had the same connections.

I walked to my room hearing a conversation that started.
"How's school, Amaye, love? What did you get in your test result?" Mother asked in a gentle voice.

"I only got 21% mummy..." I heard her say before I enter my room.

I stared at my squished room in the roof. It was plain like my best friends. No toys. No drawings. No singing. I didn't have anything like my sister.

I laid on my futon watching my bracelet.

-:-:-:-:-:-: To Tenten :-:-:-:-:-:-
I sighed as I unlocked the door to my house.
As I walked into the kitchen. My father was there with mother and my sister Lina, waiting for me. There were whips on the table.

"What did you get for you test score?" My father asked me. My sister gave me a smirk and a mummy-and-daddy-hates-you look.

"I-I got 98.5%..." I told them.

Then I heard my mother yell. "98.5%?!?!?!?! YOU- YOU WORTHLESS PEICE OF SHIT!!!" I heard the sound of a whip and I turned to my father.

"YOU DISGRACEFUL SHIT!! YOU NEVER GET WHAT WE TELL YOU TO GET!!!" He yelled, whipping me on the back and arm as I turned around.

I was thrown into my squished room and lock in there. Having only the window to look at.

($($($($($ The same things happen to the other girls. They are best friends and all have the same problems. The only thing is, that they are the smartest, best medical ninjas in Konoha and are studying under the 5th hokage. $)$)$)$)$)

Pein's POV
I couldn't find my angels anywhere, for 15 years now. Konan, the Akatsuki and I have been destroying small villages after finding out that they were at the Star village or the Storm village.

"They will pay for taking my daughters away...." I hear Konan say in a deep, dark, angry voice.

"Let's move on to the next village." I say...

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