The truth in the hidden records

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Sakura's POV
(@(@( In the morning at the medical centre )@)@)

"Hey girls...." I whispered to my best friends.
"Did we all get sent to our rooms and called a disgrace?" Temari asked quietly as we walked into the change rooms.

"Yes... Did your older siblings get all the credit?" Ino asked as we changed.
"I-I cannot believe that they never got in trouble! O-or that.... That they are that dumb, that they cannot even make it into the top medic groups or even make through!" Tenten pouted and sighed.
"W-we d-don't have to c-care about them girls... I-I mean... We are t-the best medical ninjas in Konoha.." Hinata stammered.

"And the smartest ones too." I added.

After we finished changing, we started on our daily shift.

-------6 hours later-------

######Its now 1pm######

"Ummm... Excuse me, Sakura-sama, Ino-sama, Hinata-sama, Tenten-sama and Temari-sama!?" A voice yelled from behind, after we walked out of the change rooms.

"Hokage-sama want to see you girls..." She said and walked away.

We exchanged glances and headed for the hokage's tower.

*Knock! Knock!*

"Come in!" A stern voice said from behind.

We walked in and bowed to our sensei. "Ah. Your here girls. I have a S-rank mission for you girls together. You'll be gone for half a month. But first I need you to go and look for a file for this mission. Shizune will lead you there." She told and hands us a piece of paper with a name on it. Hikari no Shinju.

"You'll be going to the room of Hidden records. When you find his file, take it with you on your mission. You start tonight at 9:30pm. Shizune will only take you there, since she has work to do. When you find him... Kill him. Dismissed." We walk out of the office after bowing.

"Follow me!" Shizune smiled gentle.

"Here you are!" She says. "I have to run to a few places with TonTon, so I'm sorry if you need any help.... Oh, my! Look at the time!" She exclaimed and ran off with TonTon waving backwards.

"I wonder why they call it the room of Hidden records..." Ino asked.

"Donno..." Tenten replies.

As we entered, we scanned the place. We stood there astonished.

"Wow! Even if there aren't many files, like a library... It's kept so clean!" Temari exclaimed.
"A-and it's s-shiny!" Hinata was fascinated.

"Say... Lady Tsunade didn't say that we couldn't stay for longer that an hour... So let's just look at all the files we can! Starting with A." I exclaim.

We walked over to find the first file. Akatsuki family, No Akatsuki. We exchanged glances as we pulled it out to find, seven chapters.

Chapter 1
Pein No Akatsuki
Leader of the Akatsuki. A dangerous hidden organisation. Orange hair. Has piecing on his face. He has the rinnegan. Has a wife and five daughter. Wears a silver bracelet that let's them communicate.

A most wanted criminal since the loss of his daughters.
He has destroyed two hidden villages and many small towns and villages. All people call him God.

Updated in 2007 by the 5th hokage

Chapter 2
Konan No Akatsuki
Vice leader of the Akatsuki organisation. Darkish blue hair with a paper flower in her hair. Has a piecing below her lip. Married to Pein No Akatsuki and has five daughters. Wears a sliver bracelet that let's them communicate.

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