A New Home and Start

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Sakura's POV
I yawned as we walked through the forest, heading for the village. A new home and a new start to our lives. "I'm sooo bored.....!" Tenten whispered into my ear. I rolled my eyes and Ino sighed from overhearing us. Then, sensing a presence around us all. My sisters and I took our stances around our family like a shield. "Who's there?!" Temari shouted out. "Come out or else we'll make you!" Hinata yelled. I took a kunai in my hand and focused chakra into it. "You have five seconds to answer or die. ONE!" I ordered. "TWO!" Ino yelled. "THREE!" Tenten shouted. "FOUR!!" Temari shouted even louder as a warning. "FIVE!!" Hinata shouted and a group of ninjas came out before we threw our weapons infused with chakra.

"Those are dangerous. *smile~!*"
"I know Akamaru..."
*Bugs buzzing*

"What do you want?" We spat.
"Please come back to us. Come back home." Naruto begged.
"Heh!" Ino laughed. The boys attention all went to Ino.
"Hahahahahaha!" My sisters and I laughed.
"Did you just say home, Uzumaki?!" Hinata spat.
"HOME?!" Tenten yelled.

"Hahahahahaha! Why would that village be our home?" I asked.
"Our real family is with us right now! Like shit we will go home!" Ino yelled.
"Have you forgotten what Konoha did to us?" Tenten asked.

"They hurt us." Temari lifted us her palm with a faint scar on it.
"They took everything away from us." Hinata crunched her hand into a fist.
"They even kidnapped us when we were just BABIES!" I screamed.
"Just because of fear." Ino glared.
"Fear of the Akatsuki's offsprings..." Tenten closed her eyes shut.
"could bring death to this world." Temari stared at the ground.
"Because of that we had to go through pain." Hinata dropped her weapon.

"What would you know about home?!"
"Like I said, Uzumaki, just because you don't have you parents, that doesn't mean you've had this!" Points to scars.
"Don't you remember what you did to me, Uchiha Sasuke?"
"That ninght when you left our older sister on a bench."
"And left the village for power?"

"Our childhood was the most terrifying childhood, that a normal adopted child could wish for."
"But we didn't."
"We were forced to live those shitty lives."
"Because of...."
"KONOHA!" We all yelled.

The boys stood there shocked from what we said. "Mum, dad. Let's go." I said walking to the side of them and away.

As we reached the village, everyone greeted us happily. "Welcome home!!" They celebrated. Today was one of the most funniest and happiest days that were ever in my sisters and my life. It was like a dream come true. A family with happiness and joy. Loved by parents for once.

"Woah! This house is...." I gasped.
"Enormous~" Ino gasped turning around in circles.
"This is defiantly better than Konoha!" Temari examined the place.
"I wonder what our rooms look like?" Hinata asked, running upstairs.
"Wait for me, Hinata!" Tenten called out.

"Leader-sama, Konan-sama... May I speak to you in private...?" I heard Itachi asked dad.

Pein's POV
I lead Itachi to the meeting room inside my new house. Sitting down on my chair with Konan next to me, Itachi deactivated his mangekyou sharingan. He becomes serious in a meeting or a private conversation. Konan and I exchange small glances and listened. "I would like you to have your eldest daughter's hand in marriage." He sternly said, going on his knees. "Wha-but..." Konan gasped. My eyes widened from the question. "And why is that?" I asked. "Sweetie! Sakura is still too young to get married!" Konan informed me. I sighed as I carefully made up my mind.

"Try dating her first and maybe, just maybe if she tells me about her likening you. I could set up something..." I said as my mind wandered off to that 'something'. "Thank you, Leader-sama, Konan-sama." He was reactivating his sharingan as he stood up and walked out of the room. "Pein...?" Konan said in a warning voice. I looked up at her. "What's that something?" She asked. I smirked and pulled her into my embrace. "I'm going to test how much Itachi actually loves her in six month time. So I'm going to set up a fake arrange marriage with a good friend of mine." I chuckled as I embraced her.

"Are you going to tell Sakura?" My angel asked as she wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tight. "Of course not." I answered. "Aren't you also testing Sakura?" She asked, making her head comfortable on my shoulder. "We'll see." I chuckled.

Itachi's POV
I kept my emotionless face on the outside. As my insides was happy, proud and excited. I needed to ask Sakura out privately. But how? "Oi! Itachi!" I turned around to face my idiotic partner, Kisame, who had a bucket of ice water. "Hn?" He looked nervous. "Well....This is a dare so don't kill me. It was the girls's idea of a truth and dare game but....." He spoke quickly and tipped the bucket of water and ice on me before running off as quick as he could. I stood there soaked in icy cold water. I counted to three in my head before disappearing to find Kisame.

As I appeared into living room, which appeared to have the girls and the frightened akatsuki inside. I turned to glare at Kisame. "You are dead....." I said in a slow, deadly tone. He swallowed the lump in his throat and hid behind the girls. "See! I told you guys!!" He squeaked at I took a step forward. "Bwahahahahahaha!" The girls laughed.

"I-Itachi...hahahaha! Don't kill him!" Hinata laughed.
"Hahaha! Don't kill him. It was my idea. Hahahahaha!" Sakura laughed. "Besides Itachi... Your soaked...hehehe..." She continued. Standing up from her spot, she dragged me out the room. "Where are we going?" I asked. "To get you a change of clothes. She answered with a smile. She then shoved me into the bathroom and gave me a pile of new clothes and closed the door. From behind I could hear her laughing. I guess she was holding it in all this time.

When I came out of the bathroom Sakura was looking out the window. When I looked a bit closer. Her eyes were filled with sadness. "Sakura....?" She jolted and looked at me. "Hm?" She smiled. I walked closer to her as she backed away until she hit the wall. I went down on one knee and looked her in the eyes as I deactivated my sharingan. She gave a confusing look. "Listen....I know that you haven't known me for long but....will you be my girlfriend?" I asked with a blush across my face. It was silent for a few moments until she jumped on me. "AWWW~! Your so~ adorable~!! Of course I'd love to~" she squealed. I gave her a bright and happy smile. I haven't done that in years. "But..." She said. "You have to make a vow that you'll promise not to look at other women or sleep with them...k~?" She asked adorably. I blinked a few time. "What are you asking? Of I vow to do that. I love you!" I exclaimed, standing up, I kissed her before going out of the room.

"Thank you." I whispered in her ears. She gave out a small giggle and a big smile.

-/:/An hour later, inside the living room\:\-

"SAKURA!!" Ino bursts into the room with a frightened face.


Sorry for the late update everyninja!!! U no how school holidays are...anyways. Hope you like this chapter!!




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