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Life with Idina as my mum was sweet. It was just simply awesome.
It's mom's birthday a.k.a Idina's birthday in a couple of days. I am planning to throw her huge surprise.
"Christina honey??" I heard Idina call for me.
"Yeah? mum?" I replied
"Where are you?" Idina asked
"In here mum... Idina over here.." I said as I saw her pass the room.
"Oh God! I've been looking for you." She said as she sat down sighing.
"What's up mum/Idina? I'm not sure what to call you though..." I said trailing off
"Nothing at all, to be honest, just needed to see your face." she said hugging and kissing me on the cheek and forehead.
"Okay now you've seen y face what's up?" I asked as I knew she was stressed out about something.
"Hey Chris .. where do you think we should throw Idina's part.... Oh hi Idina! what are doing over here?"
Lucas said while barging into the room. I gave him the deadliest look ever for almost ruining my surprise for Idina.
"Nothing much Lucas just sitting with my baby girl here." she replied. I continued giving Lucas the death stare.
"Oh! How lovely I'll let you two be then and leave before you sweet, adorable, baby girl kills me with that death stare. HaHa! Bye!" he said and sprinted out of the room.
"Lucas come back here!!!" I shouted after him, but he left anyways. I didn't realize Idina was still sitting there confused.
"What was that all about?" she asked.
"Oh! That.... Oh it's nothing ..... just nothing..." I said as I couldn't think something to say to her.
"Come on! Tell me, what is it? Are you hiding something from me?" she said curious as ever.
"It actually isn't anything at all mum..." I said biting my nail in nervousness.
"I know it's something regarding me as he mentioned my name.... What was it he said? Where do you think you should throw my part...?" she said trying to figure something out of that.
"Oh mum! You curious cat! He didn't say part..... He said... uh.. pant.. your pant."
"My pant?" she asked confused.
"Yeah your pants..?" I stated which came out more like a question then a statement.
"What about them? What's happening I am confused...."
"I'll explain..." I said.
"Well then...?" she said.
"Okay mum ... so... I was trying your pants on..... and.."
"I tripped over one of your heels in the dressing room and.... I tore them..."
"So I asked Lucas to help me hide them and he suggested that we should throw them away.. so that what he meant... I'm so sorry Idina i didn't mean to.."
"Oh God! Chris I hope you didn't hurt yourself." she said concerned.
"No not at all mum... I'm sorry though.." I said.
"It's okay sweetheart." she said hugging me.
"Okay love I gotta run and get a shower, have a show later so I'll talk to you later. Okay?"
"Okay." I said nodding.
"Okay bye love." she said kissing my forehead.
"Bye mom." I said as she left.

"LUCAS GET THE HELL IN HERE!!" I screamed to him to get in. He was hiding outside.
I saw a small white flag waving outside my door.
"I come in peace. Please throw down all your weapons before I enter or else face the consequences." I heard him say. I tried not to laugh and keep my angry face on.
"GET IN!!!" And he entered.
"Tch Tch Tch.. Lying to your mum how very bad." he being a drama queen he is.
"Shut up! i already feel guilty for doing that!"
"Okay fine... I am sorry okay..."
"Next time you better think and look before you speak! Got it??!"
"Aye aye captain." he said saluting.
"Okay so whats the plan?" he asked.
"I've send some invitations to a couple of people and booked the her favorite restaurant."
"What time have you asked everyone to come?"
"Since I, as in me and only me and not I as in we that is you and I, wanted to spend the day 'alone' with her so I called everyone around 3 pm and they'll leave by 5pm so....." I said explaining.
"Fine..... I see how much my company is unwanted. I am hurt." he said placing his hand over his heart.
"Lucas!!!" I said and hit him on his arm.
"I know, I know you want to be with your mum only and I know you guys love me and blah blah whatever...." he said giving the 'I don't care' look.
"Thanks Luke!" I said giving him a hug.
"Can I join in too?" Idina said from the door.
we simply just opened our hands out and had a real tight group hug.
This is what I wanted my whole life. A happy family and a good friend.
Hi guys... sorry for the late update!I dropped my phone in water so it was pretty chaotic.
Anyways there's the update hope you all like it. Stay tuned because this is not the end ha.
Don't forget to vote and comment.

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