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It was a Friday night in October. It was the night after we showed up to this freezing mountain town, and my parents were making me go to this high school football game in some lame attempt to get me to make friends before I started school on Monday. But I didn't want to make friends. I had friends, and now I was stuck in the freezing cold.

However, my attempts to get out of it were completely useless, as I slid on my jeans. I threw on a hoodie and my shoes before I made my way downstairs. Avoiding my mother, I grabbed my coat and made my way out the front door, only to be hit by a gust of freezing wind.


I instantly turned back into the house to complain, "Mom, it is way too cold to go sit at some stupid game."

"Just put on a hate and gloves," my mother called back, completely ignoring my complaints.

"Why can't I just stay home and unpack?" I asked.

"You have all weekend to unpack. Go. Make friends," she told me.

"I had friends," I mumbled under my breathe.

"What was that?" she asked.

I let out a sigh. "Nothing."

My mother made her way out of the kitchen holding a smug smile. "Good, now go, and here, take this."

She handed me $20, which I gladly took before making my way to the football field in town. I used the maps on my phone, but judging by the size of the town, I was pretty sure I could have gotten there by myself.

Once I was there, I made my way through the groups of people. I found different kids my age there and sat near them. Not close enough to actually talk to anyone, but there were plenty of people talking and staring. I managed to sit through their awkward stares during the first quarter, but I couldn't take much more.

Mom did give me that money. I could run to the concession, and maybe even find a different place to sit.

I let out a sigh of defeat before making my way to the concessions. However, when I got my food, the second quarter had started, and even though South Park was losing to Middle Park, the boys started the second quarter with a touchdown.

"Bebe, we're late!" one of the cheerleaders shouted to one of the other cheerleaders by the bathrooms.

"I'm coming," the blonde cheerleader replied.

"No Bebe, Stan just scored!" The brunette whined.

She pushed through the crowd of people, knocking into me in the process. She also knocked my soda out of hands as well.

To think, I was pissed before.

I wanted to chew her out, but she was already gone with her friend. Instead, I just took a deep breath and decided to head home. However, I was very unaware that there was a certain pair of blue eyes following me to my car.

You Have to Choose: Stan Marsh x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now