Chapter Nine

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I sat in the stands freezing as the game went on.

...I'll be to number one player on the field...

I intensely watched the boys.

Number one, number one, damnit, no body is sticking out- wait, unless it's a play on words. Number one- Stan is number one, but Stan is avoiding me.  Why would he be texting me?  I thought he didn't want to ruin things with Wendy.

Everyone around me got up and cheered.   I looked to the clock, and the game was over. 

Wow, I spent $3 to sit here and think about my problems.  I should've stayed home. 

Nicole came rushing towards me.

"You look like you're lost.  Be pumped!  We won!" she squealed.

I gave her a weak smile.  I had only told her a small part of this entire situation.

"Well, I know what will cheer you up.  All of us girls are going up to the school to congratulate the boys on their win," she smiled.

"That sounds fun and all ,but-"

"Craig will be there," she sang.

Craig, I completely forgot about him.  What if Stan is trying to start something, then, I have to choose.

"You have to come. I need my best buddy there," she pouted.

"Does it really meant that much to you?" I questioned.

She nodded eagerly.

I rolled my eyes, "Fine.,"

"Goody, I'll meet you at the school," she giggled.

We separate to our cars.  I drove up to the school, and when I got there, all the girls were standing in a big circle around the boys' cars.  The bus was here, so the boys were probably inside showering.  I slowly got out of my car as the cold wind hit me.

"It's too cold for this shit," I muttered under my breath.

I saw Nicole waving me over to them.

"Here goes nothing," I tried to talk myself up.

"What's she doing here?" I heard Bebe scoff.

I sniffed the air before saying, "Do I smell fish?"

Bebe looked ready to attack me.

"Calm down, Bebe.  Like it or not she goes to school here now," Wendy intervened.

"Yeah, so let's just put everything in the past," Nicole added.

Both Bebe and I rolled our eyes.

Soon the boys started to come out of the school.

"Stan!" Wendy Squealed. "Good job tonight!"

She ran over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

I couldn't help but gag a little.  They were truly the ideal high school couple.  The head cheerleader dating the captain of the football team.  You could consider them perfect.

Stan's not texting me.  He already has it all.  What would he want from me?  But, if it isn't him, who is it?  Kenny? He is pretty cocky-

I felt me phone vibrate in my pocket, interrupting my thoughts.

???: Did you see me tonight?

Me: Yeah, I think so.

???: Oh really?  Did I impress you?

Me:  Well, I still don't know who you are...

???: Not even a guess?

Me: I have a guess, but I don't think it's right.

???: Go ahead.  I wont be hurt if you get it wrong.

Me: Stan?

I looked up and got a glance of what I needed to see.  While Wendy was going on about something nobody really cared about, Stan was taking peeks at his phone, and he a huge smile on is face.

You Have to Choose: Stan Marsh x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now