Chapter Seventeen

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I didn't bother going home.  I didn't want to be alone right now, so I called Nicole.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hey, are you busy?" I asked, trying to not sound like I've been crying.

"Is everything alright?" she questioned.

"I just really need to talk to someone," I took a hard sallow. 

"Um..." she paused to talk to the other person she was with, "...yeah, come on over."

I sighed, "Thank you, bye."

I sped to her house in hopes Officer Barbrady wasn't out to pull me over.  Not that I'm sure he would actually give me a ticket.  It would probably be more of a stern talking to.

I quickly knocked on the door.

"Hey," Nicole answered.

She had a warm smile on him face.

Why can't I be that happy?

I could feel myself start to tear up gain.

"Oh, honey, don't cry," Nicole tried to comfort me as she pulled me into the house.

She led me to her room and sat me on the bed.

"What happened?" she asked.

"I mess up big time," I confessed.

"What did you do?" she questioned.

I took a deep breath and told her everything, including when Craig kicked me out.

"Wow," she mumbled.

"Please don't tell Wendy," I pleaded.

"Then, you tell her," she replied.

"I can't do that.  I ruined everything.  I should've never moved here," I sobbed.

"Hey, now, let's not take this to an extreme.  We all make mistakes," she replied.

"The worst part is that I finally decided to no pursue this if he refused to break -up with her, so I was just going to move on.  But, no, Craig hates me now," I cried. "I feel bad for lying to Stan.  Once I got his text, I knew that this was going to end badly."

"You should feel bad.  You should be angry for putting you in this situation," Nicole commented.

"I...I think I need a break from everyone for the weekend," I admitted.  "Will you take my phone?"

"Wait, what?" she asked.

"I need to not talk to anyone this weekend, to avoid making thing worse, and what I don't know won't hurt me.  So, please, take it," I pleaded.

"I-I guess," she agreed.

"I should get going," I decided, wiping off my wet cheeks.  "Thank you, I'll see you Monday."

I got up and left, not even letting Nicole utter a goodbye.  I needed to get away from all the drama and have time to myself.




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