Chapter Fourteen

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It was the next morning, and I was at my try-outs.  Nicole came over last night to help me learn some of the cheers.  This really meant a lot to her.  I wish I could say the same, but never the less, I tried out.

~Time Skip~

I took a seat by the girls at lunch.  I wished there was a better option, but this was where Nicole sat.  I didn't mind most of the girls, but Bebe hated me.

As I sat down, I noticed Wendy and Nicole both had huge grins on their faces.

"Why are you so happy?" I questioned, a little scared to know the answer. 

"Welcome to Cheer Squad," Wendy smiled, handing me a uniform.

Great, now I get to freeze my ass off with the rest of them.

I forced a smile on my face, "Yay."

"Nicole will teach you the rest of the cheers.  You should also probably start working on your splits and round-offs," Wendy explained.

Bebe scoffed, "I'm pretty sure if she tried doing a round-off, she would probably land on her ass."

"That's why we practice.  Be nice, Bebe.  She is now part of the family," Wendy scolded.

"Family?" I questioned.

"Yeah, we cheerleader like to think of ourselves like on big family," Nicole answered.

"That's why ever other Tuesday we have dinner at one of our houses, like a family.  We also have practice on Wednesday mornings in the gym, and on Friday mornings, we have practice at the field.  Also we wear our uniforms on days their are a football game," Wendy continued.

"Wow, that's a lot," I commented.

"You'll get used to it," Wendy smiled.

Wait, am I friends with all of these girls now?  With Wendy?  If I'm friends with Wendy, this Stan thing needs to stop.

I looked to my phone to see I had a message.

Speak of the devil...

S: After the game, do you want to come over and have a movie night?

M: I can't do this, you need to choose.

S: What are you talking about?

M: I can't keep sneaking behind Wendy's back.  If we continue this, someone is bound to find out.  Secrets never stay secret.  Hell, you've already told Kyle.

S: Kyle wont tell anyone.

M: How can you just be so trusting in people?

S: Kyle and I have been friends a long time.

M: This is still  a secret that if it got out it could ruin peoples lives.

S: Once it's the right time, I'll break it off, but I still want to see you.

M: Not until you're single.

I took a deep sigh.

"Everything alright?" a voice asked.

To my surprise, it wasn't Nicole.  It was Wendy.

"Um, yeah," I replied nervously.

 "You know you can trust us right? You are now part of our family, and what is a family without trust," she reminded me.

Great, here comes the guilt trip.

"Yeah, I know," I smiled.



You Have to Choose: Stan Marsh x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now