Chapter Twelve

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Stan left to go see Wendy at the hospital.

I was hoping this wouldn't change anything.  I pushed the thought away and went to bed.  I was too tired to worry.

~Time Skip~

The weekend was over, and I found myself stuck in first period once again.  Since the teacher was gone today, most of us took the worksheet the sub gave us away and talked to each other. 

Nicole was by the rest of the cheerleaders, but Wendy wasn't back yet.  Stan told me that her car rolled, and she broke her leg, collarbone, and her nose. 

"(Y/N), can I ask you a quick question?" Nicole asked as she made her way over to me.

"I guess," I answered.

"The rest of the girls and I were wondering if you would be willing to join the cheerleaders until Wendy is healed?" she questioned.

"You want me to joined the cheerleader?" I repeated.

She nodded eagerly.

"Why?" I asked.

"Bebe thinks you should join since you're pretty and you would make us look batter, but since we are close-"

"I have zero pep," I interrupted.

"Everyone has a little pep," she reasoned.  "Please just join."

"Ugh, fine," I agreed.

Nicole let out a squeal, "Okay, Wendy will be back tomorrow, so some early in the morning and we'll have a try out."

"Yay," I cheered sarcastically.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.  I hoped it was Stan, but to my surprise, it was Craig.

C- Hey, sorry about not texting you this weekend, I forgot.

I giggled at his bluntness.

M- Don't sweat it, it's fine.

C- I still we should hangout though.

I smirked at the message as I felt the weight on my desk shift. 

"So, (Y/N), can you tell me why you rejected Kyle?" a particularly annoying voice asked.

I looked up to see a grinning Fatass looking at me.

This isn't good.

I looked to the sub in hopes she could help me, but she was sleeping.

Oh, great, that helps.

I opened up my mouth to come up with some sort of answer, but Kyle didn't give me a chance.

"Shut up, Fatass," Kyle spat angrily.

"Don't call me fat you stupid Jew," Cartman angrily replied.

"Besides, I don't even like her anymore," Kyle hissed.

"Oh, and why is that?" Eric asked.

I, also, gave him a curious look.

Why doesn't he like me?  What is wrong with me?

"She just isn't the type of girl I thought she was," Kyle stated.

What is that supposed to mean?

I looked to Stan who had a guilty look on his face and I realized-

Kyle knows.

"Oh and what is that supposed to mean?" Cartman continued to push the topic.

"Shut the fuck up Fatass," a voice said.

We all turned to the back of the room where Craig sat with his emotionless face. 

"What was that Fucker?" Cartman questioned.

"Clever one," Craig mumbled sarcastically.  "Now, leave the girl alone."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you liked her," Cartman tested.

"Maybe," Craig shrugged.  "Or I could consider her as useless as Bebe."

Bebe huffed, and Clyde held her back form going on a rampage.

"It doesn't matter, no one deserves to be interrogated by a Fatass like you," Craig said nonchalantly.

"I would love to make it clear the Craig likes (Y/N)," Cartman announced.

"Shut your fucking mouth!" Craig yelled, waking the sub.

"Mr. Tucker you need to take that type of language to the offices," the sub said.

"Oh, now you fucking wake up," Craig mumbled.

He got up from his desk and headed for the door while Cartman snickered.  Before he let, he flipped everyone off in the room.  I couldn't help but smile to myself.

He stood up for me.





You Have to Choose: Stan Marsh x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now