Chapter Twenty

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~Time Skip~

It's been two months since Wendy found out, and the moment I've been waiting for.  (Y/N) and Craig broke up.  They broke up about a week ago, but (Y/N) hasn't seemed affected by it.  She still comes to school with a smile, like nothing happened.  I've tried to talk to her several times since the break up, but she always just pushed me away.

Great, even after the break up, she still doesn't want me.

Well, I thought that until a Tuesday night during a basketball game.  I wasn't playing since due to the fact that I tore my ACL during our first game.  I had recently recovered from surgery and I was finally off my crutches, but I still couldn't play and had to hobble everywhere.

Anyways, it was half time during our game against East Park.  We were only up by, two, and we were all in the locker room.  Coach was yelling at the rest of the guys.  This was the game of the year, and we weren't picked to win.

I leaned my head against the locker room wall. It smelled really bad in there.  All the boys were a sweating mess. 

"Two minutes left, coach," a voice warned outside the locker room. 

The coach lead the boys back to the gym where they continued the their chat.  The time went by quickly so the buys broke down and went to the court.

I took my spot by the freshmen to continue taking stats, but the gym seemed different.  I looked around, and it seemed empty.  Then, I realized (Y/N) wasn't over by the cheerleaders anymore.  She wasn't even in the gym. 

"I'll be back.  Keep these for me," I told the freshman next to me as I handed him my clipboard. 

I hobbled out of the gym.  (Y/N) wasn't out side the gym, but I looked out the window and saw her car was still here. 

Where is she?  The cheerleaders aren't even supposed to leave the gym.  I could go ask the other cheerleaders, but they all hate my guts right now. 

I continued to limp around the building in hopes to run into her.

I guess if her car is still here, I could go wait by it.  She needs it to go home.

I limped to her car only to see (Y/N) sitting in there, crying.

What?  I thought she was okay with everything.

I hesitated, but ultimately went over there and sat in the front seat.

She glanced over at me, "Why are you here?"

She smelled of rum.  She must have been hiding it somewhere in her car.  Her mascara was a mess just like her hair.  He breath was heavy like she was holding it all back.

"How's you get out of cheer?" I asked.

I could tell she was trying to steady her breath, since she was on the edge of hyperventilating.

I took a hard swallow, " Why didn't you tell anyone about this?"

She calmly looked at me, "No one asked."

I felt my heart break for her.  She didn't want attention so she acted like none of this shit affected her.

"Well, I want to know," I said.

Her crying stopped and she gave me a confused look, "Are you serious?"

"100%.  Tell me everything that has you all fucked up,"  I answered.

"Everything since I moved here.  I'm so tired of being sad.  I'm so tired of waking up in the morning and not having anything to wake up for.  I'm tired of not being good enough for anyone.  I'm just tired," she mumbled.

There was a long silence before I finally said, " Maybe it was your laugh or your eyes or your smile.  It could've been your hair or your voice or your personality, but whatever it was, it made me fall, pretty damn hard."

Her sad face, and she looked alert and curious of the situations, "Are you serious?"

I nodded.

"I must admit after everything, I still didn't like Craig like I liked you.  Picking him was a mistake," she confessed.

"No, not breaking up with Wendy right away was a mistake," I corrected.

"We both made mistakes," she sighed.

"Do you think we could just start over?" I asked.

She nodded.

I smiled, "Hi, my name is Stan Marsh, and I think  you're perfect."

(Y/N) didn't replied, instead she unexpectedly kissed me.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N) (L/N), and I think I love you."

*A/N:  Hey guys, thanks for reading this.  I actually really enjoyed this one and I hope you guys did also. The second one is out now, and I hope you read it.  I'm not going to make you, but I just wanted you to know.  Anyways, thank you for reading, love ya!*

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