Chapter Nineteen

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"Wendy I..." Stan trailed off as he broke from Kyle's grip.

"He is going to tell you lies," Craig intervened.

 "Shut up, Fucker," Stan growled.

"Stan," Wendy scolded.

"What Stan? You really going to tell the truth?" Craig questioned.

"Truth about what?" Wendy asked.

Stan couldn't help but have a guilty look on his face.

"Stan, what is going on?" Wendy continued to asked.

"Stan was going to leave you for me," I blurted.

"What?" Wendy questioned in disbelief. "Stan, is this true?"

"Well, he said he was going to do it, but I never saw it happening," I continued. "You see, Stan kissed me and right afterwards told me he'd break it off, but he has been avoiding because of your accident. Though, I'm pretty sure he's been using that excuse because he was scared to lose you." I, then, turned to Stan, "But don't worry, Stan. I'm going to make your life a little easier. I am nobodies second choice. I am not the tapioca pudding, while Wendy gets to be the chocolate. I'd much rather be with Craig because he didn't pick me to be his second choice or his side bitch."

I hadn't even realized that I had hot tears steaming down my face, but Wendy didn't. She looked shocked, but she wasn't crying. She just calmly hobbled out of the room with her crutch.

"Wendy, wait," Stan called after her.

*Stan's P.O.V.*

I chased after Wendy, "Wendy, wait. It's not what you think."

"Then what is it?" she asked, violently whipping around to face me.

"Okay, it's exactly what you think," I sighed.

"Unbelievable," she muttered.

"Wendy, I'm sorry, please don't leave," I pleaded.

"Tell me she meant nothing to you," she replied.

"I-I-I can't do that," I stuttered.

"And why nor?" she asked.

"Because.... because it would be a lie," I confessed.

She sighed, "Stan, at some point in life you have to decide who stays in your life and who stays as a memory."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"At this point in life, I'm afraid it's time for you to become a memory," she admitted.

"No, Wendy, we can work this-"

"No we can't,"  she interrupted.  "Stan, you may think I am oblivious of this entire situation, but I'm not.  I always saw the way you looked at her.  And, that day you threw up, I knew it wasn't the stomach flew.  I know you weren't put on your meds when I kissed you.  All of that happened because you no longer loved me.  You had found some one else.  I'm sorry Stan, but  there is no longer any hope for us."

Wendy hobbled away, leaving me in the hall.  Then (Y/N) came running down the hall.

Was she coming back for me?

"(Y/N)?" I questioned.

"Don't get your hopes up, I'm looking for Wendy," she spat.

"(Y/N), look, I'm sorry-"

"Save it, I should've never fallen for someone who only wanted to hold my hand when no one was looking," she glared and walked away.

I felt like a weight was crushing my chest, making it hard to breath.

"You okay buddy?" a voice behind me asked.

I turned around to see Kyle, the only person I wanted to see.  I shook my head, and he pulled me into a hug.

"Just forget about her," he advised.

I sighed, "I'm going to wait."

"You mean, you're actually going to torment yourself by watching them, when she might still not be yours if they break up?" he asked in disbelief.

"It's hard to wait for something that might not happen, but it's even harder to give up after it's all you ever wanted," I claimed.


You Have to Choose: Stan Marsh x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now