Chapter Three

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The bell rang, and I went to my next class, English.  When I got there, the only open spot was next to Wendy. 

"Hey," she smiled.

What the fuck?  Weren't you just glaring at me?

"Hey?" I responded, questionably.

"Here are my notes, you might need them," she said as she handed me her notebook.

"Thanks," I replied.

The teacher came over and set a book on my desk.  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

Great,  I came while they were in the middle of a book.

The teacher started to go through the notes, as I struggled to follow along.  It wasn't long before I gave up.

I spent the rest of my classes not really talking to anyone.  Wendy would try to talk to me, but I only gave her blunt, short answers.  She was bipolar, but I ended up sitting next to her at lunch anyways.  Boy, was that a bad idea.  These girls consisted only of drama.  Currently, two girls named Bebe and Heidi were arguing, and it was intense.

"Shut up, Heidi.  Clyde would never cheat on me," Bebe glared.

"Last week, after the game, he texted me, wanting pics," Heidi explained.

Clyde, Clyde, Clyde, Clyde.  Which one was Clyde?

I looked over to the boys table to see if I could spot him.

"Oh, Clyde was the one who hit on me this morning," I accidently blurted.

Everyone at the table turned to me.

"WHAT?!?!" Bebe asked, looking as if her eyes were going to pop out of her head.

"Never mind me, I shouldn't-"

"You know what?  Fuck you!" she shouted, throwing her Diet Coke on me.

"What the fuck?" I practically shouted.

Everyone in the lunch room was now looking at our table.

"That's what you get for being a boyfriend stealer," she smiled smugly.

"You can keep your boyfriend and his STD's!" I shouted in rage.

I grabbed my bag and stomped out of the lunch room to go to the bathroom to clean myself up.  Once I was alone, I felt tears start to stream down my face.

"I hate this.  I hate everything.  Why did we have to move?  I liked my old school.  I liked my old friends.  I liked my old life," I cried.

Out of no where, I felt someone wrap their arms around me.

"It's okay, don't let Bebe get to you," the unknown person said, pulling away.  "I'm Nicole."

She was a lot different form the other girls.  She didn't ooze bitch.

"Um, thanks, I'm (Y/N)," I introduced myself awkwardly.

"Here, put this on," she smiled, handing me her jacket.

"Thank you so much," I replied, those words being the only ones I've said all day that didn't have sarcasm.

I slide off my wet shirt and put her jacket on. 

"Don't mind the other girls.  They will soften up. It's just right now you are a threat," Nicole explained.

"Threat?" I questioned.

"Yeah, a pretty girl like you shows up, and for all the guys, you look like the shiny new toy to play with," she answered.

"But some of the guys are giving me the cold shoulder too," I complained.

"Now that's a new one, the guys in this school beg for attention," she laughed.  "You'll see."

I gave her a smile as the bell rang.

"We better get to class, where you going?" she asked.

"History," I responded.

"Oh same, come on let's go," she said, leading me out of the bathroom.

Finally, someone I can actually talk to.

You Have to Choose: Stan Marsh x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now