Chapter Eighteen

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It was a very boring weekend.  I spent most of my time watching Netflix and reading a book I found on my dad's bookshelf.  Even though the weekend was extremely slow, I would've still liked to be there instead of school that Monday morning. I didn't want to see the disappointed looks Craig was going to give me. I really did want to see Stan's look of betrayal.  The worst part was that I had to face Wendy, who had probably been told everything by now.

My alarm rudely woke ma up Monday morning.  I rolled out of bed and slowly got ready, trying to push off the morning as much as possible.  Once I was dress and all ready, I realized that there was nothing left to do but go to school.

I took a deep sigh as I got into my car.  I couldn't think.  I didn't even know what I wanted to think about.  I didn't want to think about what was about to happen at school, but that was the only ting that came to my mind.  Before I knew it, I was at the school.

My plan was to not talk to anyone.  I was going to just walk with my head down.  My plan actually worked.  I made it all the was to the math room undetected, but when I got in there, Stan and Kyle were already in there.  They were talking about something, but I didn't really care, knowing it was probably about me.  Stan gave me a glare, but I ignored it. 

I sat quietly in my desk reading my book until someone came up to me and said, "Hey babe."

I looked up to see Craig staring right at me.  I looked around the room thinking he might be talking to someone else, but the only people in the room were Lisa Burger, Kyle, Stan, Tweek, and me.

"You talking to Tweek?" Stan asked.

"Nah, I'm talking to my (h/c) hair beaut," Craig smirked, knowing he was getting on Stan's nerves.

"Your?" Stan questioned, getting out of his desk.  "I'm glad you made up your mind (Y/N)."

Wait, what is even going on? Craig kicked me out Friday.  Why is he doing this?

"So Craig, how is Tweek taking this?" Stan smirked.

"You really want to go there Marsh?" Craig growled.

"Yeah I do Fucker," Stan glared.

They were now right in each other's faces, foreheads almost touching.

"Oh, Jesus," Tweek commented.

I exchanged glances with Kyle and we seemed to be thing the same thing.

"Okay, boys," I intervened, trying to squeeze myself in between the small space left between them.

"At least Tweek knows about (Y/N), how's Wendy?" Craig asked.

"Craig," I scolded.

Stan was ready to attack, but Kyle held him back.

"What is going on here?" Wendy asked as she entered the room.

"Fuck," I mumbled to myself.

"Perfect," Craig grinned.

You Have to Choose: Stan Marsh x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now