Chapter Two

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 The counselor showed me to all of my classes when he gave me a brief tour of the school. I had honestly lost track by the third room that he had showed me. He wasn't even going in order of the classes, making it even harder. Finally, he took me to my first period class, Algebra 2. When I walked in, everyone instantly started at me, as if they had never had a new student before. Then, the counselor handed the teacher a slip of paper, and I took a seat in one of the empty desks in the back. I tried to not make eye contact with anyone, but Wendy made that hard as she started waving to me. I gave her a head nod in return, quietly taking a seat.

"Okay class, this is (Y/N) (L/N), everyone say hi," the teacher said, getting the chatters around the room to quiet down.

The class gave me an unamused welcoming, and I gave an unenthusiastic wave back.

"Okay, Miss (L/N), currently we are working on packets with partners. Stan, since Craig decided to not show up again, would you mind working with (Y/N)?" the teacher suggested.

The raven haired boy's eye darted between the teacher and me before he instantly shot up and bolted out of the room, clutching his stomach. I looked around the room, very confused, and I glanced to Wendy who was giving me the death glare.

What the fuck did I do?

Then the boy in the green hat spoke, looking rather worried about the situation, "Ms. Davis, can I go check on him?"

"Yes, go ahead Kyle," the teacher told him.

*Stan's P.O.V.*

I was still hovering over the toilet, flushing down the rest of my breakfast, when I heard Kyle come into the bathroom.

"What the hell, man?" He asked.

I slowly stood up and came out of the stall to rinse out my mouth, "I don't know, dude."

"Do you even know how long it has been since you've thrown up for someone who isn't Wendy?...Elementary school!" he informed me.

"Yeah, dude, I know," I snarled back to him. "I don't know what happened. That new girl, she-"

"Stop it," he snapped at me. "Think about how Wendy is feeling right now."

"I know, I know, I just..." I spoke, not really knowing where I was going.

I looked to Kyle, who did look worried, but he also looked rather upset. I guess this was kind of a big deal, but we didn't need to make it one.

"Actually, it's really nothing. I just need to think for a little bit. Can you tell Wendy I have the stomach flew? So she doesn't worry too much?" I asked him.

"Yeah man, just go to the office and go home. You really do look like shit," he told me.

"Thanks," I rolled my eyes at him before going straight to the office.

*Your P.O.V.*

Since both of the boys left, the teacher told me to partner up with Kyle's partner, Token. He didn't say much to me at all. We both sat in silence as we worked on the packets. Occasionally, he would give me a weird look but quickly averted eye contact when I would catch him.

Is this how they treat all new students?

After about fifteen minutes, Kyle came back into the room and spoke to the teacher quickly. He then came over to sit by us.

"Hi," I smiled to him.

He only gave a me simple nod before talking to Token, completely ignoring my presence.

This place just keeps on getting better and better.

You Have to Choose: Stan Marsh x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now