Chapter Eight

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*Your P.O.V.*

I watched Kyle walk into the Lunch room.  He looked pissed off.  Stan shortly followed him in, looking just as pissed.

When did he get out there?

It didn't matter.  I was more confused on where Kyle and I stood.  Were we a couple or not?

~Time Skip~

Friday came, but Kyle was avoiding me all week.  It didn't take long for me to figure out that we weren't a couple. 

Since we had a game against North Park, everyone was all preppy- well everyone besides me.  I couldn't care less about this.  This entire school pissed me off.  I didn't plan to go to the game until I got an anonymous text.

???: You coming to the game tonight?

Me: Who is this?

???: You should go to the game.  You can come watch me ;)

Me: Not until I know who you are.

???: I'll be the number one player on the field

Number one?  The only person who is that cocky is Clyde, and he is with Bebe, not that it would stop him from trying. 

I was not about to go down that road again.  Bebe was a psychopath.

I put my phone away and marched down the hall to find that cocky bastard.  It wasn't long before I saw him with his buddies, Craig and Tweek.

"This needs to stop," I scolded him.

He was obviously caught off guard and very confused, "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you r lame attempts to get into my pants.  You need to get this through your cocky brain.  The only girls who will fuck you is your manipulative slutty girlfriend," I told him.

Craig snickered, "Well, aren't you full of yourself."

"Oh, God," Tweek shook.

"Excuse me?" I questioned.

"Did I stutter?" he asked back.

"Oh, and how am I full of myself?" I questioned.

He let out a laugh, "Your standing here randomly accusing Clyde of something you don't even know that he did.  Not to mention the fact that you stand her calling Bebe a slut.  First off, you don't know her.  Second, you were the one who went in the closet with Kyle.  So why don't you get your pretty little face out of here?"

I had to process what he said, and I was furious, "Nothing happened between me and Kyle, so shut the fuck up- wait, did you just call me pretty?"

"That's what you got out of that?" he questioned.

"I'm a girl, I pay attention to the important stuff," I giggled.

"I can see that," he chuckled.

"Do you think you'd want to hang out sometime?" I shyly asked.

He had a smug look on his face, "Yeah we could do that sometime."

Clyde's eyes widened, "What?  He literally just called you a slu-"

"Shut up Clyde," Craig flipped him off.

I gave Craig my number before walking away.

What if he is the number?  Nah, he doesn't seem like the type.  It would be too much work for a guy like him.

You Have to Choose: Stan Marsh x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now